In his lecture on December 3 at the HSE St Petersburg on 'Progress: A Reconstruction', Professor Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona) raised questions related to the nature of progress and our attitude to it. Professor Wagner is ICREA Research Professor in the Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of the Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona. He has been cooperating with HSE since 2014. Before his lecture, Editor of HSE English News, Anya Chernyakhovskaya talked to Professor Wagner about the elusive and changing nature of progress.
Tag "social sciences"
Karl Bruckmeier is an environmental sociologist and since 2011 he has been a professor at the Analysis of Social Institutions Department at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences. He talked to the HSE English News Service about the challenges of being an interdisciplinary academic and about the pace of change in Russia in attitudes towards the environment. Anna Chernyakhovskaya began the interview by asking Professor Bruckmeier about his life at HSE.
Karl Bruckmeier is an environmental sociologist and since 2011 he has been a professor at the Analysis of Social Institutions Department at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences. He talked to the HSE English News Service about the challenges of being an interdisciplinary academic and about the pace of change in Russia in attitudes towards the environment.