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Driver's Licenses in Russia

Important information

These are general provisions describing the procedure for recognition of driver's license and options for obtaining a driver’s license in Russia. 

Please use it as a reference and make sure to contact the State Inspectorate for Traffic Safety ('ГИБДД') for specific enquiries.


PRP means a permanent residence permit ('ВНЖ' in Russian).

TRP means a temporary residence permit ('РВП' in Russian).

RDL means a Russian national driver's license ('РНВУ' in Russian).

FDL means a foreign national driver's license ('ИНВУ' in Russian).

IDL means an international driver's license.

      Foreign citizens (general rules) FDL and Russian citizenship / PRP obtained   before April 1, 2024 Russian citizenship / PRP obtained  after April 1, 2024




  1. Foreign citizens can use their FDL in Russia, provided that they have a certified Russian translation of the FDL or the FDL is made in Russian[1].
  2. Foreign citizens can use their IDL, provided that they present the driver’s license that served as the basis for issuing the IDL.
  3. Foreign citizens are not permitted to work or engage in entrepreneurial activities related to driving vehicles in Russia[2].
  4. Foreign citizens can use their FDL and/or IDL, provided that they have reached the minimum age required by Russian legislation.
  5. Foreign citizens cannot exchange their FDL and/or IDL for a RDL if these documents do not meet international requirements.

A FDL must be replaced with a RDL before April 1, 2025[3]After that, FDLs and IDLs will be invalid in Russia.

Starting from April 1, 2024 until April 1, 2025, a FDL can be exchanged for a RDL without examinations.

A FDL must be replaced with a RDL within one year after[4]:

  1. Obtaining Russian citizenship or residence permit
  2. First entry into Russia after receiving a FDL abroad (for Russian citizens)
RDL  will be issued according to the procedure established by Russian legislation, with the specific category of the license depending on the type of vehicle.



[1] If a given FDL does not meet the requirements of international treaties or has been issued in states that are not parties to international treaties with the Russian Federation.

[2] This clause does not apply to citizens of Kyrgyzstan and other states where Russian is an official language, provided that their FDL and IDL were issued in their country of citizenship.

[3] The requirement to replace an IDL with a RDL by April 1, 2025 does not apply to the following individuals:

  • Holders of TRP;
  • Russian citizens whose FDL was issued in the Republic of Belarus, and citizens of the Republic of Belarus with a Belarusian driver’s license who have a PRP in Russia;
  • Russian citizens who obtained their FDL before April 1, 2024, but have not entered Russia since then.

[4] These requirements do not apply to:

  • Holders of TRP;
  • Russian citizens whose FDL was issued in the Republic of Belarus, and citizens of the Republic of Belarus with a Belarusian driver’s license who have a PRP in Russia.

Additional materials (in Russian):


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