Meeting point update for Moscow River Tour on June, 5

We would like to remind about the Moscow River Tour on June 5th, 2018 (Tuesday) and pay your attention that meeting point has changed. We meet on Pier Bolshoy Ustinsky Bridge.

Meeting point update for Moscow River Tour on June, 5

We invite international faculty and coordinators to enjoy the warm weather and warm company during the Moscow River Tour on June 5th, 2018 (Tuesday). Together with your colleagues and friends you will have a splendid opportunity to observe Moscow from a river boat!

Updated meeting pointPier Bol'shoy Ustinsky Bridge (in Russian Причал «Большой Устьинский мост»).

Meeting time: 5.20 p.m. on June 5th, 2018.

Contact phone number: +7 977 881 1710.

Duration: 2 hours (from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.).


Additional, but very important details:

  • The tour is free of charge.
  • Your family, friends, and colleagues are welcome.
  • It may be cold in the evening – so we recommend you to get dressed warmly.

We are looking forward to seeing you on board!