Tag "anti-versary"

HSE Launches 'Steal the Wheel' Competition

HSE Launches 'Steal the Wheel' Competition
HSE is only 25, so as a young university we love everything, new, fresh and high-tech. Since we are all one big family, it’s time we asked you, as family members, for advice on one key question: what does HSE lack? What should we have that we don’t yet? Have you been struck by something you’ve seen in practice at another university, that we don’t offer, but should? Why reinvent the wheel, if we can rent them, and if we come to like them, we can always keep them. We’ve prepared great prizes for the most interesting initiatives – real bikes!

International Perspective

On June 4, 2017, HSE is holding ‘The Whole World at HSE’ festival, dedicated to the cultures of different peoples. It’s a great opportunity for many international students to share information about their country’s culture and explain how Russian culture might be perceived by people with a different mentality. HSE international students and faculty have shared their views on both their and our respective cultures.

‘I Draw HSE’ Drawing Competition Opens

On June 1, the International Day for Protection of Children is celebrated worldwide. HSE timed the competition ‘I draw HSE’ to mark this date. The event is held as part of the HSE Anti-versary. 
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