On October 23 – 24, 2020, the IX International Moscow Finance Conference will take place. The event has been organized jointly by ICEF and the London School of Economics. This year, the list of participants includes the editors of the two biggest journals in economics. Alexei Boulatov , Tenured Professor of HSE University, spoke about how the online format influenced the quality of academic events, what has changed in academic life over the last few months, and the topics that interest researchers today.
Tag "economics"
In deciding to join HSE as a post-doc fellow in the Center for Institutional Studies), François Guillemin sought to combine a sense of adventure with a post-doctoral experience that would allow him to continue his research in the field of banking regulation. HSE ended up on the top of his list, and he accepted an offer to start this September.
An expert in the economics of transition, corporate finance, organizational economics as well as law and economics, Dr. Ichiro Iwasaki, Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economic Research (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), will present a lecture entitled ‘What we learnt from the Russian experience during the global financial crisis: A corporate governance perspective’ at the upcoming XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He recently agreed to speak with the HSE news service about his research, his long interest in Russian economics, and his view on how to achieve successful international academic collaboration.