Tag "students"

Journal Club at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making

Junior research fellow Marco Colosio spoke to The HSE Look about the Journal Club on cognitive neuroscience and neuroeconimics at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making.

"It is amazing how enthusiastic and serious about mathematics my students are"

In September 2014, new international professors and postdocs joined the Faculty of Mathematics. In our January 2015 issue of The HSE Look we are pleased to welcome aboard Assistant Professor Satoshi Kondo!

I Am Excited to Be on the ‘Ground Floor’ of this Long Term Project

Marco Colosio, M.Sc., the first foreign PhD student at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making, arrived in Moscow three weeks ago. Marco talks about his scientific interests, his background in Italy and his first impressions of Moscow and CDM-Centre. Marco is a graduate student at University of Padua (Italy), specializing in psychology psychobiology and cognitive science.

‘Golden HSE’ — An Opportunity to Show That We See and Appreciate Each Other’s Work

Applications continue to be accepted for the Golden HSE, the university’s main prize. We asked those who have either nominated candidates or who have received the award themselves about what it means for them personally and for the university.