Welcome Aboard: Post-Doc Introductions
Every year, HSE hires post-doctoral researchers from all over the world. And in 2017-18, more than 30 of them started work at laboratories and research centres in a large range of fields and specializations. The HSE Lookis pleased to introduce this year’s international researchers, so that you can learn more about your colleagues and find out about opportunities for potential collaboration.

Nicholas Howell is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Mathematics. He holds a PhD from the University of Oregon (USA).

Khudoyor Mamayusupov is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Mathematics and holds a PhD from Jacobs University (Germany). His research interests include holomorphic dynamical systems, Newton's method as a root finder, and limit cycles of systems of ordinary differential equations.
Mikhail Alfimov is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Mathematics and holds a Candidate of Sciences degree in Physics and Mathematical Sciences from the Lebedev Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This will be his second year at HSE.
Ange Bigeni comes to HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Mathematics and holds a PhD in Mathematics from Université Lyon 1, Institut Camille Jordan (France) (Thesis: “Bijective Combinatorics of Permutations and Genocchi Numbers”). This will be his second year at HSE.
Ash Lightfoot is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Mathematics and holds a PhD in Mathematics from Indiana University (USA). This will be his second year at HSE.

Andrew Staal is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Mathematics and holds a PhD from Queen’s University (Canada) in Mathematics. This will be his second year at HSE.
Harold Andrés Moreno Franco is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Stochastic Analysis. He did his Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at the National University of Colombia, and his Master’s degree and PhD at the Mathematics Research Center (CIMAT), Mexico. His research interests are focused on partial differential equations and integro-differential equations, which are closely related to problems of stochastic control. This will be his second year at HSE.
Guilhem Gamard is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science from University of Montpellier (France). Guilhem’s current work focuses on subjects intersecting between computer science and discrete mathematics, such as tiling theory and combinatorics on words.
Thang Pham Cong is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at International Laboratory of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods and holds a Candidate of Sciences degree in Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes from Tula State University. His particular interests include Bayesian methods, and he plans to focus on text and image processing, and computer vision.
Denis Derkach is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Methods of Big Data Analysis and holds a PhD from Université Paris-Sud XI (France) in Particle Physics. His research interests currently focus on Applied Machine Learning for Natural Sciences. This will be his third year working at HSE.

Natalia Lyskova is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Physics and holds a PhD from the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, as well as a Candidate of Sciences degree from the Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on the properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters, from both a theoretical and observational perspective.

Beatriz Martin Luengo is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making. She holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Basque Country (Spain). This will be her third year at HSE.

Tiziana Pedale is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making and holds a PhD in Psychology and Cognitive Science from “Sapienza” University of Rome (Italy). Her research interests are focused on the behavioural and neural correlations involved in interactions between emotion and other high-level cognitive functions, such as attention and memory. This will be her second year at HSE.

Ekaterina Tomas is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Neurolinguistics and received her PhD from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) in Psycholinguistics: Child Language Acquisition. After that, she worked as a Senior Lecturer at Novosibirsk State University, teaching courses in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics. At HSE, she will be carrying out research with a particular focus on the linguistic development of young typically developing children and those with language difficulties, relying on cutting-edge behavioural and neurophysiological methods. This will be her second year at HSE.
Sofia Kulikova is joining HSE as a Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies and holds a PhD in Neuroscience from ED3C, Université Paris-Descartes (France). She is currently working on a way to detect emotions and identify their role in decision-making, normal and pathological brain development, as well as the factors affecting the outcomes of non-invasive brain stimulation. This year, she is also giving lectures on consumer behaviour and psychology for HSE’s new Master’s programme: “SMART-Marketing: Data, Analysis, Insight.”
Aleksey Buzmakov is joining HSE as a Senior Research Fellow the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies and holds a PhD from Université de Lorraine (France). His research focuses on data mining and machine learning (see our May 2016 issue for more details). This will be his third year at HSE.
Svetlana Inkina is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Applied Analysis of Institutions and Social Capital and holds a PhD from University of Toronto (Canada). This will be her third year at HSE.
François Guillemin is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Institutional Studies and holds a PhD from l'Université de Franche-Comté (France).

David Gomtsyan is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Market Studies and Spatial Economics and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Turin. His research interests primarily include international economics, ranging from global capital flows, trade in goods and services and migration. David is also interested in development and economic history.

Aaron Sander is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS) and holds a PhD in International Studies from Old Dominion University (USA). He is currently researching Central Europe’s integration within the European Union and the difficulties it currently faces: socially, economically, and in regards to its security. Furthermore, Aaron will be teaching a course on international security.
Anna Kruglova is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology and holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Toronto (Canada). This will be her second year at HSE
Anna Zseleva is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making. She holds a PhD in Game Theory from Maastricht University (Netherlands), Department of Quantitative Economics.

Florian Stache is joining HSE as a Research Fellow and holds a PhD from Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). His research focuses on how innovation develops in correlation to inter-organizational cooperation, especially within emerging markets.

Maria Sole Continiello Neri is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre of Comparative Law and holds a PhD in International Human Rights Law from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa (Italy). Her thesis looked into the interplay between IHL and IHRL during military occupations. In 2012 – 2013, she was a Visiting PhD student at the Irish Centre for Human Rights (ICHR) and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.
Morteza Charkhabi is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the School of Psychology. He holds a joint PhD from KU Leuven, Belgium, and University of Verona, Italy.
Arnab Roy Chowdhury is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at Public Policy Department and holds a PhD in Sociology from National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to this, he was an Assistant Professor in the Public Policy and Management Group at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC). His research and teaching interests include environmental policy, development studies, migration policy and postcolonial studies.
Dominic Martin is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Historical Research and holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University (UK). His PhD was based on more than a year's worth of ethnographic and archival research on Old Believers in Russia’s Far East. Dominic is now focused on two new research projects: firstly, on the current descendants of Old Believers, who lived in Manchukuo in the 1930s and 1940s; and, secondly, on the post-Soviet revival of Cossackdom.
Matthew Mangold is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the School of Philology. He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Rutgers University (USA). Matthew’s research focuses on intersections between Russian literature and the medical arts, in particular environmental medicine and psychiatry. He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled Chekhov's Medical Aesthetics: Environments, Psychology, and Literature based on his dissertation. He has published articles on stories by Tolstoy and Chekhov that consider the psychology of spatial experience in post-reform Russia, and on Chekhov as a medical and literary observer.
Vera Pozzi is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the School of Philosophy and holds a PhD in Philosophy from State University of Milan (Italy). Her thesis – “The Role of the Ecclesiastical Academies in Reception of Kantianism in the Russian Empire. The cases of I. Y. Vetrinskiy and P. D. Yurkevich” – was awarded the Sangalli Institute Award for the Religious History, and is slated for publication in January 2018. Her general area of research is Russian Intellectual History, and her current work focuses on contemporary Russian Orthodox thought.
Sean Patrick Winkler is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the School of Philosophy. He did his PhD on Spinoza at KU Leuven (Belgium). At HSE, he is conducting the research project “The Hessen-Grossmann Thesis and the Mechanical Affects in Early Modernity”, which investigates the socio-economic roots of the concept of “affect” in early modern mechanical philosophy. His area of expertise also includes continental philosophy, Daoism, Marxism and philosophy of science.
Pavel Rudnev is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the School of Linguistics and holds a PhD from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). His research focuses on how the meanings of sentences arise out of the meanings of their parts and the manner those parts are put together, as well as the relation between natural language, logic and thought. The data for those analyses comes from Northeast Caucasian, and more recently Slavic, languages.

Riccardo Mario Cucciola is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences. He holds PhD in Political History from IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy). His academic interests include Soviet History, Central Asian Studies, Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies, the Political History of the CPSU, Cold War Studies and Agricultural History. He is currently working on the project “The Peripheral ‘Home Front.’ The Impact of WWII and its Legacies on Uzbekistani society (1941–1966).”
Jessica Werneke is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and its Consequences and holds a PhD from the University of Texas, Department of History (USA). Her previous research on the history of Soviet visual culture evaluated the role of photography and photojournalism in illustrated journals of the 1950s and 1960s. Her current research interests include sexuality and gender in Soviet visual culture, nudity and eroticism in Soviet amateur photography, and the history of the Russian and Soviet avant-garde. This will be her second year at HSE.
Rossen Djagalov comes to HSE as a Research Fellow at the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities and holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Yale University (USA). At HSE, he will be collaborating with his colleagues on research and plans to complete the manuscript “Premature Post-colonialists: Soviet Third-World Literary and Cinematic Encounters in the Age of Three Worlds.”

Jan Jakub Surman is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in Humanities. He received his PhD in History from the University of Vienna in 2012 and was working most recently as a research assistant at the Herder-Institute Marburg. He has also held scholarships at Max-Weber Center, Erfurt and IFK Vienna. In his research, Jan concentrates on scientific transfer and internationalism. He is currently working on a book on the history of Ukrainian science in the interwar period.
Zumrad Kataeva is joining HSE as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Education and received her PhD degree from the Department of Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation of the University of Kentucky (USA). Her research interests include the transformation of higher education in Post-Soviet countries. This will be her second year at HSE.
Read more articles in The HSE Look December 2017 issue
Mikhail Alfimov
Research Fellow
Ange Bigeni
Research Fellow
Aleksey V. Buzmakov
Senior Research Fellow
Guilhem Gamard
Research Fellow
François Guillemin
Research Fellow
David Gomtsyan
Research Fellow
Denis Derkach
Senior Research Fellow
Rossen Djagalov
Research Fellow
Anna Zseleva
Research Fellow
Svetlana Inkina
Research Fellow
Zumrad Kataeva
Research Fellow
Maria Sole Continiello Neri
Research Fellow
Anna Kruglova
Research Fellow
Sofya Kulikova
Senior Research Fellow
Ashley Charles Lightfoot
Research Fellow
Natalia Lyskova
Research Fellow
Khudoyor Mamayusupov
Research Fellow
Dominic Martin
Research Fellow
Beatriz Martín-Luengo
Research Fellow
Harold A. Moreno-Franco
Research Fellow
Matthew Mangold
Research Fellow
Tiziana Pedale
Research Fellow
Vera Pozzi
Research Fellow
Arnab Roy Chowdhury
Research Fellow
Pavel Rudnev
Research Fellow
Aaron Garrett Sander
Research Fellow
Andrew P. Staal
Research Fellow
Jan Jakub Surman
Research Fellow
Sean Patrick Winkler
Research Fellow
Thang Pham Cong
Research Fellow
Nickholas Lerner Howell
Research Fellow
Morteza Charkhabi
Research Fellow
Florian Stache
Research Fellow