The HSE Look - December issue
Dear readers,
The fortieth issue of The HSE Look is devoted to introducing new colleagues, as most of our December issues lately, focusing on the postdoctoral fellows who join HSE in September, but this time we do it with a twist. In this issue we start with an interview with the youngest HSE staff member who joined the university during the summer months - Isaac the Robot, who helps the administration and researchers alike with the Research Productivity Assessment.
Of course, postdocs themselves get the spotlight as well, and we are delighted to tell about their research interests through the interviews with colleagues working in three different fields – Hye Won Kwon in social sciences, Maria Sole Continiello Neri in international law, and Natalia Lyskova in physics. Last but not least, this issue’s column “Discovering HSE and Russia’ by Sawada Tadamasa explores the questions of authenticity and cultural exchange using the example of Japanese restaurants in Moscow, and invites the readers to reframe their experience.
The issue is available as PDF and can be read as individual news on the website.