Business Trips
Employment agreements normally stipulate the city, which is considered the workplace for all HSE employees.
Please note that travelling without formally documenting your absence can only be done on:
- public holidays;
- days off (this should not be confused with annual leave).
The formal procedures in place at HSE for documenting absence from the workplace on a workday as a registered leave, or a business trip, need to be completed in advance in order to comply with Russian migration regulations, as well as the University’s internal bylaws.
Please make sure to follow the formal procedures no matter what funds are used to cover your business trip expenses.
Business Trip Guidelines for Internationally Recruited HSE University Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty
Before your business trip
- A request form should be completed at least 30 days prior to the intended date of travel; Note! In addition, an official invitation letter and a memo from your supervisor should be attached. The invitation must contain the following details: purpose of visit, name and location of event, dates, participation fee details and which expenses (if any) are covered by the hosting party/ colleague.
- HSE University Centre for International Faculty Support shall consult with the Accounting Office and confirm the required amount of funding corresponds with the avaliable Research Fund budget (it may take 3-5 business days); Note! HSE University is obligated to include per diems in the business travel calculations unless the hosting party/ colleague does this.
- A travel assignment form is then processed by the appropriate faculty coordinator. Based on this document, a business trip directive is issued. The process for formalising a business trip usually takes up to 2 weeks.
An advance payment for travel expenses can be received if the procedure below is followed:
- the relevant coordinator is informed 45 days prior to the business trip;
- after budget approval, a travel assignment form is processed by the coordinator (this may take up to 5 business days);
- a business trip directive shall be issued by the HR Department based on the travel assignment form (this may take up to 5 business days) and assigned a reference number;
- an advance payment request should be submitted to academic supervisor (it should contain the reference number of the business trip directive);
- after the advance payment request is signed by academic supervisor, it should be submitted to the Accounting Office (10 days prior to your business trip).
The advance payment shall be transferred to your bank account within 3-5 days from the date of the advance payment form’s submission.
An advance payment request template can be downloaded here.
During your business trip
Please make sure to follow registration guidelines for travelling across Russia and outside the country.
All reporting documents should be collected for future reimbursement and/ or for reporting on expenses if an advance payment has been provided.
Note! We strongly recommend that you review the list of reporting documents before going on business trips.
Please note that all expenses paid by third parties (including spouses) cannot be reimbursed.
After your business trip
Please make sure to follow registration requirements for those returning from trips across Russia and those coming back from abroad.
Travel expenses shall be reimbursed after your business trip is completed and all reporting documents are submitted to HSE’s Accounting Office.
- The reporting documents with their translation into Russian should be submitted to the Accounting Office as soon as possible after your return – preferably on the first day of your arrival. The official deadline for submitting documents for reimbursement to the Accounting Office is 3 business days after returning from the business trip. At the end of the calendar year, please make sure that you submit the reporting documents not later than December 10, or it will be reimbursed out of the next year’s budget. Please ask a faculty coordinator(s) for assistance.
- The reimbursement shall be transferred to your specified bank account after the Accounting Office processes the reporting documents.
For more details, please see 'Regulations governing business trip assignments for employees of National Research University - Higher School of Economics' at (Fifth document and annexes to it in 'Local regulations' section).
Business Trip Guidelines for Internationally Recruited HSE University Postdocs
Before your business trip
- A request form should be completed at least 30 days prior to the indended date of travel; Note! HSE is obliged to include per diems in travel calculations unless the hosting party/colleagues does this.
- HSE University Centre for International Faculty Support shall consult with the Accounting Office and confirm the required amount of funding corresponds with the avaliable Research Fund budget (it may take 3-5 business days); Note! HSE University is obligated to include per diems in the business travel calculations unless the hosting party/ colleague does this.
- A travel assignment form is then processed by the appropriate faculty coordinator. Based on this document, a business trip directive is issued. The process for formalising a business trip usually takes up to 2 weeks.
An advance payment for travel expenses can be received if the procedure below is followed:
- the relevant coordinator is informed 45 days prior to the business trip;
- after budget approval, a travel assignment form is processed by the coordinator (this may take up to 5 business days);
- a business trip directive shall be issued by the HR Department based on the travel assignment form (this may take up to 5 business days) and assigned a reference number;
- an advance payment request should be submitted to academic supervisor (it should contain the reference number of the business trip directive);
- after the advance payment request is signed by academic supervisor, it should be submitted to the Accounting Office (10 days prior to your business trip).
The advance payment shall be transferred to your bank account within 3-5 days from the date of the advance payment form’s submission.
An advance payment request template can be downloaded here.
During your business trip
Please make sure to follow registration guidelines for travelling across Russia and outside the country.
All reporting documents should be collected for future reimbursement and/ or for reporting on expenses if an advance payment has been provided.
Note! We strongly recommend that you review the list of reporting documents before going on business trips.
Please note that all expenses paid by third parties (including spouses) cannot be reimbursed.
After your business trip
Please make sure to follow registration requirements for those returning from trips across Russia and those coming back from abroad.
Travel expenses shall be reimbursed after your business trip is completed and all reporting documents are submitted to HSE’s Accounting Office.
- The reporting documents with their translation into Russian should be submitted to the Accounting Office as soon as possible after your return – preferably on the first day of your arrival. The official deadline for submitting documents for reimbursement to the Accounting Office is 3 business days after returning from the business trip. At the end of the calendar year, please make sure that you submit the reporting documents not later than December 10, or it will be reimbursed out of the next year’s budget. Please ask a faculty coordinator(s) for assistance.
- The reimbursement shall be transferred to your specified bank account after the Accounting Office processes the reporting documents.
For more details, please see 'Regulations governing business trip assignments for employees of National Research University - Higher School of Economics' at (Fifth document and annexes to it in 'Local regulations' section).
Reporting Documents for Reimbursement
- All expenses should be paid using one’s personal bank card. Expenses made through someone else’s bank cards CANNOT be reimbursed.
- All documents proving payments should contain accurate payment references and bank card details.
- Bank statements issued by Russian banks must feature a signature and seal.
- In order to receive reimbursement, a memo for transferring money to the employee’s bank account must be submitted. The template can be found here.
- An employee will only be reimbursed for those expenses that are supported by authentic documents. Please refer below for the reimbursement rules.
For more details, please see 'Regulations governing business trip assignments for employees of National Research University - Higher School of Economics' at (6th document and annexes to it in 'Local regulations' section).