Research & Expertise

Upcoming Lectures on Ocean Science Politics to Give HSE Exposure to Modern Anthropology

Stefan Helmreich, Professor and Elting E. Morison Chair in the Department of Anthropology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be at HSE Moscow and HSE St Petersburg from September 25 – October 4, 2016 to deliver a series of lectures and lead a discussion on the politics of contemporary ocean science. He will also take part in the round table 'Soundscape in the Anthropology of Science and Art' during the Days of Ethnographic Cinema festival organized by the HSE School of Cultural Studies.

Bridging the Gap Between Slavic Studies and Translation Studies

From September 23 to October 2, the HSE School of Philology (Faculty of Humanities) will host Susanna Witt, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala University (Sweden). During this time she will lecture at a conference on World Literature as a Soviet Project, as well as teach several lectures in the School of Philology.

Dutch Linguistics Expert to Offer Lecture on Language and Cognition

What causes variation between languages, and what do they have in common? How is language embedded in our general cognitive system? These are some of the questions that Eric Reuland, Faculty Professor of Language and Cognition at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS) (Utrecht University), will address in a lecture course entitled ‘Syntactic approaches to anaphora’ that will be held at HSE Moscow from September 12 till 22, 2016. Professor Reuland recently spoke with the HSE news service about his research interests, his upcoming visit to Moscow, and some books he recommends for those interested in gaining exposure to the field of linguistics.

‘A Scientist Must Be a Curious Person’

Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, Professor of Cultural Sociology at the University of Leipzig in Germany, began her involvement with HSE when she started working with two young scholars – Christian Fröhlich, an Assistant Professor at HSE and a former PhD student of hers, and Rafael Mrowczynski, who has served as a DAAD-lecturer at HSE. Ahead of her upcoming visit to Moscow, where she will present her work on ‘Multiple Secularities’ and give a seminar on Qualitative Methods, Professor Wohlrab-Sahr spoke with the HSE news service about her work, her academic interests, and her views on the key attributes researchers need today.

Art and Science of Communication - The HSE Look (July)

In its 28th issue The HSE Look presents the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design through interviews with its Deputy Deans and Professors. With the end of the academic year comes the time of HSE Best Teacher Award, and we are glad to share the new procedures and tips from awardees of previous years with the English-speaking readers. Summertime is ahead,but it is already time to make plans for the fall - we present the upcoming short-term visits of guest scholars to HSE and an opportunity to give a short public lecture at HSE Day in September.

Post-Docs Research at HSE

Tatjana Kanonire received her PhD in Psychology from University of Latvia in Psychology. She joined HSE two years ago.  First, she spent a year at the International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research.  Since October 2015 she has been working at the Centre for Education Quality Monitoring of the Institute of Education.  Tatjana has talked to The HSE Look about her research interests and teaching activities at HSE.

Measuring Research, Researching the Measures - The HSE Look (May)

In its 27th issue The HSE Look presents the work of the Scientometrics Centre and how research results are measured at HSE. We also continue the tradition of interviews with international faculty and visiting scholars: five of them talk about their research and teaching projects in Moscow, Perm and Nizhniy Novgorod, and guests and speakers from the April Conference share their impressions of HSE’s flagship conference.

'It Would Be Wonderful If Some of the Leading Historians of Philosophy of the Next Generation Were Russians’

Professor Peter Anstey from the University of Sydney held a series of seminars on research methods in the humanities and early modern philosophy at HSE Moscow last week. The seminars were connected to his project ‘The Nature and Status of Principles in Early Modern Philosophy’. How have the studies of philosophy evolved? What is the role of philosophy of the modern world? How can Russian students become involved in global research projects? These were some of the issues Peter Anstey talked about with HSE News Service.

Studying Mathematics Opens Up Doors to Any Opportunities

British Professor Sebastian Van Strien, who has come to Nizhny Novgorod HSE on a tutor exchange programme, is confident that this is the case. Professor van Strien is leading a research seminar for students studying mathematics.

Informal Networks Are Not Conducive to Trust

What are the reasons for low levels of trust in the Middle Eastern countries? How do civil society and civic engagement contribute to building trust? These were the issues addressed by Duke University Professor Timur Kuran during his lecture on Historical Roots of Trust, Cooperation, and Development. The lecture was held at the sixth LSCR international seminar in the framework of XVII April International Academic Conference.