Research & Expertise

Studying Russian Writers on How War Alters Aesthetic Experience

Dr. Angelina Lucento is a Research Fellow at HSE International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences. Her work focusses on art and war. In this interview with HSE English News she explains how family history brought her to research WWII and Russian culture and tells us why Moscow suits her so well for living and working as an international academic in her field.

It’s More Useful to Compare Students from Different Regions of a Single Country than from Different Countries

Professor Martin Carnoy of Stanford University and visiting professor at the Higher School of Economics, and Tatiana Khavenson, Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Education, were among the authors of the report ‘An Analysis of the Impact of Education Policies on Student Achievement in the United States’, which was recently presented in Washington, DC. The key provisions of this report are of use when it comes to analyzing the situation in Russian education.

A Genuine Challenge for Humanity in the 21st Century

Professor Paul Kind, University of Leeds, led the International Centre for Health Economics, Management and Policy seminar at the HSE St Petersburg.

Positive Psychology — Even Gloomy People Can Be Contented

Ken M. Sheldon is Academic Supervisor at the HSE International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation. He talked to HSE English News about his collaboration with HSE and about working in an international environment.

Foresight Centre: An Outlook on International Cooperation

Everyone wants to know the future, and the Internet is full of the “top ten trends” which will define the next several decades.  The Foresight Centre  at HSE, however, does not meddle in such speculations: they analyze the existing technology, the state of economy and society, and use different methodologies in order to see the way to arrive at the desirable image of the future.

Visiting Scholars

The HSE Look   is happy to promote upcoming short-term visits to HSE by international scholars,whichwere supported by institutional funding based on the hosting departments’ applications. The following visits are scheduled for October, November and early December.

International Positioning of HSE

While HSE has a strongly recognized “brand” within Russia – both in terms of quality and in terms of being a known name, it does not directly translate into an easily recognized global name.
HSE has decided to place an extra emphasis not only on raising the quality of its academic programmes and research but also on increasing the international visibility of the university among the academic and expert community, as well as among potential students and employers.

HSE Day: Celebration for the University and the City

HSE Day: Celebration for the University and the City
For the fourth time HSE held a celebration for the city and the university community to mark the start of the academic year. Thousands of people joined the celebration on September 9, and HSE Day had something to offer for all audiences.

Welcome Aboard: International Recruitment News

HSE has been recruiting international faculty for several years now, but there are some novelties in 2015. The HSE Look is glad to present newly recruited faculty so as to help colleagues connect with each other: in the October issue we present faculty members who start their work in tenure-track positions, and will introduce this year’s post-docs in December.

End of Module: Knowledge Assessment and Grading at HSE

The HSE Look previously wrote about the design of course syllabus, electronic Learning Management Support System (LMS) and Teaching Assistants in the issue 5(12) from May 2014 and covered top-10 features of Teaching at HSE, including the module structure, in the issue 4 (04) from September, 2013. To supplement the existing information on the system of exams and grading at HSE, we present to you additional guidelines to help you navigate the knowledge assessment regulations at the university.