Editors of HSE Subdivision Websites (faculties, schools, laboratories, etc)

# Division Editors of HSE Subdivision Websites (faculties, schools, laboratories, etc)
1 Moscow
2 Joint Department with Alfa-Bank Надежда Д. Филатова
3 Graduate School of Business
4 Joint Department with 1C Company Boris G. Nuraliev
5 Department of Business Informatics Sergey Bruskin
6 Department of Marketing Elena V. Filipskaya
7 Department of Operations Management and Logistics Anna Krupenko
8 Department of Strategic and International Management Alina Volkonskaya, Yugik Aslanyan
9 Department of Financial Management Mukhamed Kudaev
10 Publishing Centre Анастасия Г. Айдакова
11 Institute of Innovation Management Alexander K. Stepanov
12 Laboratory for Network Organisation Vera A. Rebiazina
13 Case Study Centre Yulia Leevik, Karmen Armand
14 Редакция средства массовой информации-междисциплинарного научно-практического журнала «Бизнес-информатика» Irina Khrustaleva
15 Centre for Executive Education Programmes Svetlana V. Gladkaya
16 Centre for Corporate Sustainability Management Anna Veselova
17 GSB Learning Analytics and Quality Assurance Centre Svetlana Metlenko, Sanan Gamidov
18 Centre for Digital Learning Technologies Andrey Vetluzhskiy
19 Degree Programmes Department Alina Liapota
20 Office for Internal Monitoring and Student Academic Development
21 Centre for Student Academic Development Tatiana A. Makarova
22 Online Media and Mobile Applications Office
23 Online Media Office Natalia Abolina
24 Legal Office Aliya Ermakova
25 Office of Administrative Buildings Yulia Nikitina
26 Office for Target Student Support Элина А. Ашурова
27 Institute for Public Administration and Governance Alexandra Kargaeva, Yulia Karpich
28 Centre for Human-Centricity and Leadership Milena Gnedkova
29 International Research and Educational Centre for Technical Regulation, Standardization and Metrology Вячеслав А. Попов
30 Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities Sergey Matveev
31 Vishnevsky Institute of Demography Tаtyana Maksimova
32 Department of Demography Tаtyana Maksimova
33 Laboratory of Social and Demographic Policies Tаtyana Maksimova
34 Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience Oleg Shevtsov, Vasily Klucharev, Anna Shestakova, Ksenia Panidi, Polina Polukhina
35 International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology Ksenia Panidi
36 Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces Ekaterina Dzedzyulya, Yulia Karpich
37 Centre for Cognition & Decision Making Ksenia Panidi
38 Institute of Education Anna Polyanskaya
39 Joint Department with Skyeng Sergey Tarasov
40 Department of Educational Programmes Yulia Korotaeva
41 Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research Anastasia Andreeva
42 Laboratory for School Administration Konstantin Seregin
43 International Laboratory of Research and Design in elearning Natalia Lebedeva
44 Center of Synergetic Anthropology Elena Ivanova
45 Centre for Cultural Sociology Ekaterina Pavlenko
46 Institute of Security Studies Vadim G. Kropanev
47 Department of Security Research Vadim G. Kropanev
48 Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies Maria Gavrilina, Kristina Tanis
49 Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences Maria Gavrilina, Kristina Tanis, Yanina Karpenkina
50 Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge Elena V. Gutaruk
51 International Research and Educational Foresight Centre Dmitry P. Uzlov
52 Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies Olga Maximova
53 Centre for Science, Technology, Innovation and Information Policy
54 Laboratory for Economics of Innovation Olga Maximova
55 Centre for Industrial Policy Polina Shparova, Ekaterina Sharova
56 Institute of Trade Policy Irina Glazatova
57 Department of Trade Policy Irina Glazatova
58 Institute of Ecology Natalya Porotnikova
59 Institute for Health Economics Darya Vahrusheva
60 Institute of Economics and Utility Regulation Irina V. Garbuzova
61 Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications Lolita Vigulis
62 Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology Yuliya Belova
63 International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms Valery Gritsenko, Olga Kozinets
64 International Laboratory for Population and Health Elena Churilova, Vera Sokolova
65 International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue Anna Doronina
66 International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy Elena Popova, Irina Nikitina, Viktoria Denisova
67 Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications Larisa Busheva
68 International Laboratory for Supercomputer Atomistic Modelling and Multi-scale Analysis Vladimir Stegailov
69 International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics Karina Makarova, Alexander Usvitskiy
70 Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Olga Stogova
71 International Institute of Statistical Education Elena Ponomarenko
72 International College of Economics and Finance Alina Volokhova
73 International Laboratory of Financial Economics Alina Volokhova
74 UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights Mikhail Fedotov
75 International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis Ekaterina Afanaseva
76 HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Олег В. Мыслюк, Viktor Minchenkov
77 School of Computer Engineering Irina Romanova
78 Department of Information and Analytical Systems: Joint Department with EC-leasing Irina Koroleva
79 Laboratory of 3D Imaging and Computer Graphics Alexey Rolich, Aleksey Kovalenko
80 Laboratory of Computer-aided Design Systems Aleksandr Amerikanov, Vladimir Zunin, Vitaly Stepanyants
81 Laboratory for Embedded Systems Elements and Devices Dmitriy Popov
82 School of Applied Mathematics Valentina I. Kalinnikova
83 Study Laboratory of Information Protection Systems' Modelling and Cryptography Dmitry Krankin
84 School of Electronic Engineering Vladimir A. Vetrov, Konstantin Kostin, Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
85 Joint Department with InfoWatch Lev M. Sambursky
86 Joint Department with the All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements Lev M. Sambursky
87 Joint Department with Research Institute of Communication and Control Systems Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
88 Joint Department with Rocket and Space Corporation ‘Energia’ Lev M. Sambursky
89 Quantum Optics and Telecommunications Joint Department with Skontel Lev M. Sambursky
90 Department of Cyber-Physical Systems Information Security Fedor Ivanov
91 Laboratory of Macroscopic Quantum Systems Lev M. Sambursky
92 Teaching Laboratory of Metrology and Measuring Technology Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
93 Laboratory of SHF Electronics, Microwave and Laser Technology Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
94 Study Laboratory of Modelling and Designing Electronic Components and Devices Lev M. Sambursky
95 Учебная лаборатория надежности электронных средств киберфизических систем Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
96 Laboratory of Wave Optics, Quantum Optics, and Nuclear Physics Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
97 Учебная лаборатория телекоммуникационных технологий и систем связи Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
98 Laboratory of Electronics and Circuits Lev M. Sambursky, Elmira Zakirova
99 Laboratory of the Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems Kristina Dzhanashia
100 Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory Elena Kazakova
101 Office of Corporate Departments and Research and Educational Centres Elena Shavrina
102 Laboratory of Space Vehicles and Systems' Functional Safety Viktor Tyutnev, Dmitrii Abrameshin
103 Centre for Quantum Metamaterials Alexei Vagov
104 Scientometrics Centre Ilya Gorelskiy
105 Supercomputer Modeling Unit Viacheslav Kozyrev, Roman Chulkevich
106 ‘Youth Policy’ Laboratory Sergey Startsev
107 Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy Elena Klimovskaya
108 Organizational Psychology E-Journal Editorial Board Wladimir A. Stroh
109 Office for the Development of Intellectual Competitions Евгения И. Берняева
110 Multilateral Strategic Projects Office Michael Shvets
111 Office of Staff and Student Benefits Victoria Margieva, Алеся Д. Ребрикова, Alla Pushkareva, Viktoriya Petrova
112 Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Irina Kuznetsova, Maria Yakhina, Julia Makarova, Sergey Nikulin
113 Joint Department with RAS Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Maria Yakhina
114 Laboratory for Research on Molecular Mechanisms of Longevity Tatyana Chuksina, Julia Makarova
115 Laboratory of Molecular Physiology Tatyana Chuksina, Evgeny Knyazev
116 International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems Tatyana Chuksina
117 Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology
118 International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Marina Tsydypova
119 Faculty of Urban and Regional Development Artem Messikh
120 Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism Artem Messikh
121 Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning Evgeny Plisetskiy
122 Institute for Transport Economics and Transport Policy Studies Yulia Shulika
123 'Urban Studies and Practices' Journal Diana Kodzokova
124 Centre for Social Research and Technological Innovation Artem Messikh
125 Faculty of Humanities
126 Financial Policy Unitt Maria Gavrilina, Polina Dombaeva
127 School of Russian as a Foreign Language Olga Eremina, Maria Dorbert
128 Institute for Cultural Studies
129 Laboratory for Cultural Studies Aleksandr Suvalko
130 Centre for Medieval Studies Svetlana Yatsyk
131 Laboratory of Formal Models in Linguistics Alexey Kozlov
132 Arctic Social Sciences and Humanities Laboratory Andrian Vlakhov
133 Laboratory for Theoretical and Field Folklore Studies Фатима Р. Минвалеева
134 Laboratory of Transcendental Philosophy Tatiana Myasnikova
135 Project Laboratory for Studies of Yury Lyubimov’s Work and Director’s Theatre of XX-XXI centuries Evgenya Abelyuk
136 Project Laboratory for Intellectual Competitions in Humanities Denis Smetanin
137 Teaching & Learning Support Centre Elena Zayats, Tatiana Dobrokhotova
138 Центр развития практических и партнёрских проектов Andrian Vlakhov
139 Центр социокультурных и этноязыковых исследований Mariia S. Lapina
140 School of History Yanina Karpenkina
141 Centre for Modern Russian History Anna Agapova
142 School of Linguistics Natalia Pimenova
143 School of Philological Studies Maria A. Krivosheina
144 Laboratory of Linguo-Semiotic Studies Masha Orlovskaya
145 School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies Vsevolod V. Zolotukhin, Daria Drozdova
146 Faculty of Computer Science Natalya Zyablova
147 Joint FCS Department with RAS Steklov Mathematical Institute Ksenia Kuznetsova
148 School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
149 Laboratory on AI for Computational Biology Ksenia Kuznetsova
150 Big Data and Information Retrieval School Вера К. Волкова, Akhmedova Gyunay
151 Joint Department with T-Вank Tatiana Soldatova
152 Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science Ksenia Kuznetsova
153 Yandex Laboratory Ksenia Kuznetsova
154 School of Software Engineering Olga V. Maksimenkova, Sergey Lebedev, Евгения А. Буцкая
155 AI and Digital Science Institute
156 International Laboratory of Bioinformatics Elena P. Zbirovskaya
157 International Laboratory of Statistical and Computational Genomics Svetlana Shikota
158 International Laboratory of Stochastic Algorithms and High-Dimensional Inference Vlada Schmidt, Elena Alyamovskaya
159 Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis Natalia Talaikova, Denis Derkach
160 Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods Ekaterina Volzhenina, Arseniy Vasilev
161 International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and Its Applications Elena Puzikova
162 Laboratory on Algebraic Transformation Groups Yulia Zaitseva
163 Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems Roman Nesterov
164 Applicants, Students and Alumni Unit Юлия А. Урсу
165 Continuing Education Centre Anastasia Badalova
166 Centre for Internships, Projects and Entrepreneurship Anna Narkhova, Olga Karpova, Maxim Kharitonov
167 Centre of Student Competitions Alexandra Sytnik
168 Faculty of Creative Industries Екатерина Е. Гошкаренко
169 Institute of Media Elena Khapkina
170 Laboratory for Mediacommunications in Education Alexander Milkus, Kristina Krutilina, Ekaterina Tereshatova, Daria Saprykina
171 Project Support Centre Denis Oleynikov
172 Faculty of Mathematics Lolita Vigulis, Svetlana Balaeva
173 Joint Department with the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems Lolita Vigulis
174 Joint Department with the Steklov Mathematical Institute (RAS) Lolita Vigulis
175 Joint Department with The Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Lolita Vigulis
176 International Laboratory of Cluster Geometry Nadezhda Lukash
177 Editorial Office of Moscow Mathematical Journal Lolita Vigulis
178 Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Irina Tigetova, Georgy Tigetov, Denis Medvedev, Диана Р. Гарипова
179 Joint Department with Avtopromimport Irina Tigetova
180 School of International Affairs Irina Tigetova
181 School of World Economy Irina Tigetova, Olga Mulenko
182 International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism Dmitry Novikov
183 Laboratory for Political Geography and Contemporary Geopolitics Ksenia Kozina
184 Administrative Support Centre
185 Administrative and Finance Unit Tatyana Vinokurova
186 Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies Inna Kim, Elizaveta Zakharova
187 Centre for International Cooperation Ekaterina Bolshova
188 Mediterranean Studies Centre Alexander Nadzharov
189 School of Asian Studies Irina Tigetova
190 Faculty of Law Tatiana Vardapetyan
191 Joint Department with EPAM Law Offices Anna Antonyan
192 School of International Law Svetlana Smirnova
193 Laboratory for the Study of Public Interest Protection under Economic Sanctions Daria Boklan, Svetlana Smirnova
194 Laboratory of International Justice Maria Filatova, Anna Antonyan
195 School of Digital Law and Bio-Law Tamara R. Arutyunova
196 School of Legal Regulation of Business Anna Antonyan, Natalia Antonenko, Elena Mokhova
197 School of Public Law Alfia Taktarova, Larisa Soldatova, Fatima Dzgoeva, Владислав С. Гаврилов
198 School of Theory of Law and Comparative Law Dmitry Sabinin, Vera Chernushina
199 School of Criminal Law, Legal Process and Criminalistics Alexander Evseev, Ekaterina Basak
200 Criminology Laboratory Daria Vasilevskaya
201 School of Private Law Mikhail Volchansky
202 Institute of National and Comparative Legal Studies Vladimir Churakov, Oksana V. Talyzina
203 HSE — Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development Alexey Ivanov, Irina Atrokhova
204 Institute for Law in the Digital Environment Valeria Bozhenova, Mikhail Yakushev
205 Institute of Administrative Law and Enforcement Elena Ovcharova
206 Institute of Legal Regulation Anna S. Dupan, Elena Muntyan
207 Centre for Cyberspace Research Anna K. Zharova
208 Laboratory for Applied Information Systems and Technologies in Law Tamara R. Arutyunova
209 Administrative Support Centre Yulia Kapitanova
210 International Cooperation Centre Alyona Bernyukevich, Ольга В. Трынкова
211 Research Support Centre Sergey Mosin
212 Centre for Project-based Cooperation between Business and Law Anna Baklakova
213 Religion and Law Centre Marina Yakovleva
214 Centre of Law Education Transformation Roman Yankovskiy, Dmitry Tekutev
215 Faculty of Social Sciences Yulia Karpich, Svetlana G. Sergienko
216 Joint Department with Centre for Political Technologies Yulia Karpich
217 School of Politics and Governance Ekaterina V. Igumnova
218 School of Psychology Vitaly Kazankov, Dmitriy M. Kondrashov, Ulvia Nabieva, Valeria Sklemenova
219 Joint Department with ECOPSY Consulting Vitaly Kazankov, Ulvia Nabieva
220 Laboratory for Cognitive Psychology of Digital Interface Users Elena S. Gorbunova, Anton Angelgardt
221 Politics & Psychology Research Laboratory Olga Gulevich
222 Laboratory for Psychology of Social Inequality Marina Romanova
223 Laboratory of Ability Psychology Vitaly Kazankov, Oksana Borisova
224 Editorial Office of the Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis Maria Chershintseva
225 Centre for Fundamental and Consulting Personology Ulvia Nabieva, Vitaly Kazankov
226 School of Sociology Anna Manerova
227 Joint Department with the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center Anna Manerova
228 Joint Department with the Public Opinion Foundation Anna Manerova
229 Department for Social Institutions Analysis Anna Manerova
230 Department of Sociological Research Methods Anna Manerova
231 Department of General Sociology Anna Manerova
232 Department of Economic Sociology Anna Manerova
233 Отдел по работе со студентами и выпускниками Tatiana Filippova
234 Administrative Support Centre Yulia Karpich
235 Центр дополнительного образования Igor Luchay, Olga Burmakova, Yulia Karpich, Анна В. Горбачёва
236 Centre for Stability and Risk Analysis Yevgeny Ivanov
237 Prospective Students Centre Nikita Limonov
238 Student Internships and Projects Centre Дарья С. Сырокоренская
239 Школа маркетинговых исследований Ekaterina Sokolova
240 Faculty of Physics Alexander Ponomarev
241 Базовая кафедра «Наноэлектроника и фотоника» при Институте радиотехники и электроники им. В.А. Котельникова РАН Igor Zagorodnev
242 Joint Department of Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics with the Institute for Spectroscopy Anastasia Letokhova
243 Joint Department of Quantum Technologies with Prokhorov General Physics Institute Vera Y. Proydakova
244 Joint Department for Theoretical Physics with the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics Yulia Vakhteeva
245 Joint Department of Condensed Matter Physics with the Institute of Solid State Physics Lyubov Povarova
246 Joint Department of Space Physics with the Space Research Institute Igor Baliukin
247 Joint Department of Low Temperature Physics with the Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems (RAS) Sofia Gotovko
248 Faculty of Chemistry Anastasia Postriganova, Dmitrii Roitershtein
249 Joint Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Material Science with the RAS Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry Andrey B. Yaroslavtsev
250 Joint Department of Petrochemistry and Polymers of the RAS Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis Albert Kulikov
251 Joint Department of Organic Chemistry with the RAS Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry Alexey Voronin
252 Joint Department of Organoelement Chemistry with the Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences Denis Chusov
253 Faculty of Economic Sciences Vladimir Karacharovskiy, Tatiana Bushina, Alexander Osovskiy
254 Department of Financial Market Infrastructure Olga Muradyan
255 Department of Mathematics Oksana Kolotvina, Svetlana Shatskaya
256 Department of Applied Economics Maxim Shevelev
257 Department of Statistics and Data Analysis
258 Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence Oleg Chikunaev
259 Department of Theoretical Economics Tatiana Bushina, Disa Malbakhova
260 Laboratory for Labour Market Studies Sergey Solntsev, Ksenia Rozhkova
261 Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development Vladimir Karacharovskiy
262 International Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis Sergey Merzlyakov
263 International Office Oxana P. Budjko, Valeriya Latypova
264 Laboratory of Sports Studies Dmitry Dagaev, Inna Zaitseva
265 Corporate Finance Center Alina Kostochko
266 Laboratory for Macro-Structural Modeling of the Russian Economy Maria Sorokina, Alexei Ujegov, Nikolay Pilnik, Natalia Makeeva, Evgenia Lapteva
267 Project Support Unit Anastasia Byvaltseva-Stankevich
268 Teaching & Learning Support Centre Анастасия А. Кудрина, Татьяна В. Хализева, Александра А. Лосева, Daria Tamashova, Екатерина В. Харламова, Анастасия А. Зеленцова, Юлия П. Ткачук
269 Centre for Financial Research & Data Analytics Tamara Teplova
270 School of Finance Uliana Nepryakhina, Albina Dzhamamedova
271 BRICS Expert Council–Russia Michael Shvets
272 Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector Anastasia Shuvarina
273 Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Studies in Non-Commercial Sector Anastasia Shuvarina
274 Centre for Industrial Policy Studies Mikhail Kuzyk, Anna Fedyunina
275 Centre for Health Policy Svetlana V. Sazhina
276 Centre for Sociocultural Research Alexander S. Titov, Albina Gallyamova, Azkhariya Muminova
277 Centre for Transfer and Management of Socio-Economic Information Daria Andreeva
278 Centre for Labour Market Studies Anna A. Zudina
279 Centre for CPD in Management, Public Administration and Communication Skills Anastasia Kolokolchikova
280 Centre for Digital Cultures and Media Literacy Nikita A. Kushkin
281 School of Foreign Languages Natalia Nasinnik
282 Centre of Academic Recruitment and Internal Communication Anastasia Stefanova, Natalia Nasinnik
283 Centre of Additional Foreign Languages Daria Nikolskaya
284 Centre for Language and Methodology Training Irina G. Golovanova
285 Saint Petersburg
286 Office of Procurement Sergey Avdeev
287 School of Arts and Humanities Aleksandra Y. Morodetskaya, Anastasia Afanaseva
288 Department of History Svetlana Lyubavina
289 Department of Media Anastasia Kotyukova
290 Centre for Historical Research Marina Kozhemiakina
291 St Petersburg School of Art and Design Ksenia Malich, Selem Akhmedova, Анастасия В. Кислицына
292 Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences
293 Institute of Health Psychology Alena Vodneva
294 Laboratory for Reputation Management in Education Maxim Savinykh, Anastasiia Murach, Magdalena A. Gaete Sepulveda
295 Centre for Youth Studies Evgeniya Kuziner
296 School of Computer Science, Physics and Technology Olga Kolobova
297 International Laboratory of Quantum Optoelectronics Иван А. Мельниченко, Alla Goncharova
298 St Petersburg School of Economics and Management Liudmila Kezhun
299 Joint Department for IT in Logistics with RAS St Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation Yury Iskanderov, Darya Bazhina
300 Department of Management Maria S. Plakhotnik, Valeriia Leonteva
301 Department of Finance Ekaterina Soloveva, Varvara Nazarova, Elena Kuzmina
302 Department of Economics Natalia Brodskaya
303 HSE St. Petersburg International Office
304 International Student and Alumni Centre Irina Komarova
305 School of Law Borislav Neupokoev
306 Базовая кафедра адвокатского бюро «Качкин и Партнеры» Borislav Neupokoev
307 Department of Civil Law Borislav Neupokoev
308 Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law Borislav Neupokoev
309 Department of Theory and History of Law and State Borislav Neupokoev
310 Department of Financial Law Borislav Neupokoev
311 Nizhny Novgorod
312 Faculty of Humanities Timur Khusyainov
313 School of English Language Timur Khusyainov
314 School of Literature and Intercultural Communication Timur Khusyainov
315 School of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics Eva Patrakova
316 School of Design Anna Antropova
317 Centre for Language Learning and Teaching Methodology Nelli Boryshneva
318 Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science Natalia Aseeva
319 Joint Department with Tinkoff Development Centre Alexey Katichev
320 Department of Mathematics Victor V. Tyutin
321 Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics Petr Koldanov
322 Faculty of Management Natalia Belokhlebova
323 Department of Venture Management Mikhail G. Nazarov, Natalia Belokhlebova
324 Department of Public Administration Natalia Belokhlebova, Svetlana V. Pavlovskaya
325 Department of Marketing Natalia Belokhlebova, Mikhail Shushkin
326 Department of General and Strategic Management Natalia Belokhlebova, Yulia Chilipenok
327 Department of Organizational Psychology Natalia Belokhlebova, Oksana Isaeva
328 Nizhny Novgorod Branch Department of Industrial Management and Logistics Natalia Belokhlebova, Ksenia O. Safronova
329 Faculty of Law Екатерина Е. Серова, Olga Dmitrieva
330 Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Marina V. Kleponosova
331 Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law Marina V. Kleponosova
332 Department of Theory and History of Law and State Marina V. Kleponosova
333 Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Marina V. Kleponosova
334 Centre for the Legal Support of Business, Public Procurement, and International Economic Affairs Anastasia Loginovа
335 Faculty of Economics
336 Базовая кафедра Kept Ekaterina Egorova
337 Joint Department with Sberbank Ekaterina Egorova
338 Department of Economic Theory and Econometrics Olga Mazova
339 Department of Banking Ekaterina Egorova
340 Department of Financial Management Ekaterina Egorova
341 Perm
342 School of Graduate Studies Karina A. Alenina
343 International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy Anna Bykova, Iuliia N. Naidenova
344 HSE Dormitories in Perm Alexander Zolin
345 Project Support Unit Elena Sannikova
346 Finance and Planning Office Olga Bystrykh
347 Faculty of Pre-University Training Ksenia S. Shardina
348 Faculty of Computer Science, Economics, and Social Sciences Sofia Rudnik
349 School of Foreign Languages Nadezhda V. Barklyanskaya
350 School of Management Vlada Stepanenko
351 School of Economics and Finance Tatiana V. Bukina, Elena Borisova, Dmitry Kirpishchikov
352 Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law Yulia Litvinova
353 Department of Information Technologies in Business Marina Karpovich
354 Department of Physical Training Vadim V. Grabar'
355 Центр «Межрегиональный методический центр по финансовой грамотности системы общего и среднего профессионального образования» Irina I. Zaharova
356 Центр бизнес-образования Lidya Vinogradova
357 Student and Alumni Centre Natalya Schekoldina, Lyubov Fencel
358 Legal Office Olga Sirotkina