The HSE LooK welcomes aboard Mahama Tawat, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Tag "The HSE LooK"
Marie Arsalidou joined HSE in September 2014 as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Arsalidou speaks to The HSE LooK about her research projects and work plans.
New issue of The HSE LooK is now available for read and download! Our Octrober edition is devoted to the new Faculty of Social Sciences, its departments, projects and people. Tadamasa Sawada, Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology, spoke to The HSE LooK about his research. We wish our new colleague a great beginning at the HSE!
The September edition gives an overview of the important changes and new projects taking place this academic year. The editors also begin introducing faculty that has recently joined HSE. New international professors and postdoctoral fellows speak here about their plans for the coming year.
Dr. Eren Arbatli, Assistant Professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics at the HSE Faculty of Economics, joined the HSE after finishing a PhD programme at Brown University (USA) in 2013. Eren's spouse and co-author, Dr. Ekim Arbatli, is Assistant Professor at HSE's Faculty of Politics. The HSE LooKspoke to Dr. Arbatli about his current and planned research.
Dr. Eren Arbatli, Assistant Professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics, joined the HSE after finishing a PhD programme at Brown University (USA) in 2013. Eren's spouse and co-author, Dr. Ekim Arbatli, is Assistant Professor at HSE's Faculty of Politics. The HSE LooK spoke to Dr. Arbatli about his current and planned research.
Dr. Udara Peiris received his PhD from the University of Oxford in 2010. He has been part of the HSE faculty for almost two years after accepting the position of Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance in 2012. Dr. Peiris spoke to 'The HSE LooK' before the summer break.
Dr. Emiliano Catonini, Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance of the HSE shares his experience on the academic year 2013-2014 in an interview for The HSE LooK. Dr. Emiliano Catonini joined the HSE in 2013 after defending his PhD thesis in Bocconi University (Milan) and has been enjoying Moscow since then.
Dr. Emiliano Catonini, Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance of the HSE shares his experience on the academic year 2013-2014 in an interview for The HSE LooK.
This issue is once again devoted to teaching. What is the procedure for writing a course syllabus at HSE? What is the LMS? What is teachers’ election? These and other questions will be answered here. We give some advice on how to write a course syllabus.