HSE aims to be a globally competitive university both in research and in education, focusing on economics, social sciences, IT and humanities. Part of its mission is to provide international quality of education and to spread best international practices in Russian academic environment. In order to make its educational products better suited to the global audience, the university works both on the content of programmes and on their structure.
Tag "The HSE LooK"
Christian Fröhlich is Assistant Professor at the School of Sociology and has been at HSE since 2014. He also supervises an English-taught Master’s Programme ‘Comparative Social Research’ and told The HSE Look about its design, partnerships and lessons learned from running the programme
Adapting to a new university environment can be a difficult process, especially with such a thing as teaching classes, where not only teacher’s own abilities but also formal requirements and the academic culture of the institution come into play. In previous issues of The HSE Look (October 2015, May 2014, September 2013) we covered different aspects of teaching at HSE, such as the module system, assessment regulations, syllabus design, finding teaching assistants and using electronic Learning Management System.
Each year HSE hires post-doctoral researchers, accepting applications from all over the world, and they join various laboratories and centres. Some of them kindly provided additional information about their research interests and background, and The HSE Look continues the tradition of introducing HSE’s new international faculty and researchers.
In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.
In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.
As with every year, The HSE Look continues its tradition of welcoming newly recruited international faculty. Several of them have kindly provided a short summary about themselves. Everyone can be found on the HSE website should you need to learn more about your colleagues and are interested in discussing potential collaboration.
HSE’s Faculty of Law is a partner of the Fulbright Scholar Programme and each year has the opportunity to host a Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development. David Wirth, a Professor who teaches and supervises research at Boston College Law School, arrived at HSE in this capacity in September 2016. He has shared his research, teaching and collaboration plans for the upcoming academic year at HSE with The HSE Look bulletin.
In its 29 th issue The HSE Look presents the Faculty of Law through an interview with its Dean, Prof. Evgeny Salygin, as well as introduces new tenure-track international faculty. As usual, the issue provides short announcements about Visiting Scholars, and an interview with one of them – a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Sustainable Development, Prof. David Wirth.
In its 28th issue The HSE Look presents the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design through interviews with its Deputy Deans and Professors. With the end of the academic year comes the time of HSE Best Teacher Award, and we are glad to share the new procedures and tips from awardees of previous years with the English-speaking readers. Summertime is ahead,but it is already time to make plans for the fall - we present the upcoming short-term visits of guest scholars to HSE and an opportunity to give a short public lecture at HSE Day in September.