Geography of HSE University provides ample opportunities to experience and learn about nearly half of the country, and without understanding each of the campuses with their unique features there is no way to fully understand the idea of HSE on the whole. Last year The HSE Look began a series of articles focusing in-depth on each campus, starting with HSE St. Petersburg (see October 2017 issue), university’s 2nd largest campus, and we would like to continue the series with devoting the summer issue to HSE Nizhniy Novgorod. While being unmistakably a part of HSE University, each campus reflects the unique features of its region, and the readers can learn more about it in an interview with campus Director Valery Zusman. In this issue we also talk more about education programmes at HSE Nizhniy Novgorod with Deputy Director Anna Blyakhman, get an inside look into the work of the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis with its head Valery Kalyagin, and travel to discover different Russias with Victor Albert, one of HSE’s international faculty members.
Tag "international faculty"
In May, Lucia Bombieri, a PhD student and intern researcher at the HSE International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research, delivered a report entitled ‘Instructions and Empathy: Teachers’ Role in Changing Intercultural Relations in School Settings’. Her report presented the preliminary results of a quasi-experiment undertaken in Italy and Russia with the aim of investigating teachers’ role in changing children’s responses towards migrant peers in a socio-cultural and cross-cultural perspective. Participants included teachers and students in the final year of primary school from different cities and regions in northern Italy and the Moscow region.
Following years of study and work in South America and Europe, Rafael Popper joined HSE Moscow as Professor of Foresight and STI Governance in January 2018. In addition to his job at HSE, he is Principal Scientist in Business, Innovation and Foresight at a world leading research and technology organization (RTO) called VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. With a PhD on 21st Century Foresight from the University of Manchester, Popper has built a career on wide-ranging research of issues in foresight and STI policy. In a recent interview with the HSE News Service, he spoke in depth about his research interests, philosophy on teaching, collaboration across HSE and his love of languages, among other topics.
Сommunity, and an actively engaged one at that, is a vital part of university life. From the large-scale events which are part of the institution’s brand to the grass-root initiatives, everything thrives on genuine and shared interest, and in this issue of The HSE Look the editors would like to share several stories which might inspire to join the existing projects or start new ones.
In this issue of The HSE Lookwe would like to share several stories which might inspire to join the existing projects or start new ones. We present the interview with Prof. Fuad Aleskerov about the April conference and its role in informing the public debate and furthering research, as well as share impressions from international faculty. To showcase the variety of initiatives at HSE, we are glad to present the vibrant community of the German-language research conference Welt und Wissenschaftthrough an interview with Yulia Pasko. Traditionally, we also share the announcements of upcoming visits by invited scholars. Last but not least, we present the ‘Discovering HSE and Russia’ columns by Arnab Roy Chowdhury and Brian McLoone.
After the conference is over it’s time to reflect on what this year has brought to plan for the participation in the next year’s event, and The HSE Look talked to several internationally recruited HSE faculty members about what they value most about participating in the April Conference and what topics and discussions they found most interesting this year.
If you are interested in attending a conference at HSE, there is always something going on. In fact, one of the University’s conferences aimed at young researchers is quite special, as it held neither in Russian nor in English, but in German. Less than half a month apart from HSE’s April Conference, the international conference Welt und Wissenschaft (‘World and Science’) was held for the 4th time. The HSE Looktalked to one of the organizers, Yulia Pasko, Associate Professor of the Department of German Language, about how they involve students and faculty in the development of this tight-knit academic community.
In addition to interviews with international faculty, The HSE Lookis launching a new feature – a column about their life in Russia, what they discover in different cities, and interesting venues at HSE and beyond. If you have an interesting experience to share, please contact us at In this issue, we present a column by Arnab Roy Chowdhury.
In addition to interviews with international faculty, The HSE Lookis launching a new feature – a column about their life in Russia, what they discover in different cities, and interesting venues at HSE and beyond. If you have an interesting experience to share, please contact us at In this issue, we present a column by Brian McLoone.
In 2017, Sean Winkler joined the School of Philosophy as a research fellow. Originally from Chino Hills, California, he holds an undergraduate and Master’s degree in philosophy from Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, California), as well as a Master’s degree and PhD from KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), where his dissertation focused on the work of 17th century philosopher Baruch Spinoza. In his role as a postdoctoral research fellow for the School of Philosophy at HSE, Winkler specializes in the study of early modern philosophy. Besides early modern thought, his interests span from 20th-century French continental philosophy, to critical theory, to Daoism and to philosophy of science.