Tag "international faculty"

Building an International Master’s Programme: Design of Curriculum and Role of Partnerships

Dirk Meissner, Professor at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge and the Academic supervisor of the Master’s Programme ‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’, told The HSE Look about its development and achievements.

Running a Comparative Empirical Programme in Social Research

Christian Fröhlich is Assistant Professor at the School of Sociology and has been at HSE since 2014. He also supervises an English-taught Master’s Programme ‘Comparative Social Research’ and told The HSE Look about its design, partnerships and lessons learned from running the programme

Mathematics Professor Calls Moscow Home

Christopher Brav, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics, joined the Higher School of Economics in 2014 after holding several teaching and research positions abroad. The HSE news service recently had the opportunity to speak with him about his research interests, teaching philosophy and how he has settled into life in Moscow.

'What Convinced Me to Come Here Was HSE's Focus on Research'

'What Convinced Me to Come Here Was HSE's Focus on Research'
Frank Fisher, Associate Professor in the School of Linguistics, moved to HSE in 2016, having previously worked at Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities. With his significant experience in the field, Frank instantly gave boost to digital humanities research at HSE. He became the co-founder of the Centre for Digital Humanities at HSE and is leading a new Junior Research Group on digital literary research. In January Frank became a co-director of DARIAH, a pan-European research infrastructure, with hopes to leverage his involvement there to the benefit of research projects at HSE.

Methodological and Substantive Expansion Benefits Students in Applied Politics Programme

Methodological and Substantive Expansion Benefits Students in Applied Politics Programme
Navid Hassanpour, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences (School of Political Science) at the Higher School of Economics, is the author of ‘Leading from the Periphery and Network Collective Action’ published by Cambridge University Press in December 2016. He recently spoke with the HSE News Service about his current course at HSE, expansion of the Master’s programme in Applied Political Science, and his plans for upcoming research.

Russia, Belgium and France: Exploring Cultural and Literary Relations

Svetlana Cecovic, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Humanities (School of Philology), came to the Higher School of Economics with the aim of working in an international environment, which she had become accustomed to during her PhD studies at the University of Louvain in Belgium.

Teaching at HSE: Challenges and Opportunities

Adapting to a new university environment can be a difficult process, especially with such a thing as teaching classes, where not only teacher’s own abilities but also formal requirements and the academic culture of the institution come into play. In previous issues of The HSE Look (October 2015, May 2014, September 2013) we covered different aspects of teaching at HSE, such as the module system, assessment regulations, syllabus design, finding teaching assistants and using electronic Learning Management System.

Welcome Aboard: Post-Doc Researchers

Each year HSE hires post-doctoral researchers, accepting applications from all over the world, and they join various laboratories and centres. Some of them kindly provided additional information about their research interests and background, and The HSE Look continues the tradition of introducing HSE’s new international faculty and researchers.

Making a Home in HSE’s Cities

For foreign scholars who come to teach and conduct research at the Higher School of Economics, whether temporarily or on a permanent basis, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod all provide a variety of interesting opportunities to enjoy a quality life. We spoke with several international scholars who now make these cities home about their experiences and the advice they would share with others who may be considering a move.

Development Strategies for Research and Teaching

In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.