Tag "international faculty"

Development Strategies for Research and Teaching

In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.

Welcome Aboard: New Tenure-Track Faculty

As with every year, The HSE Look continues its tradition of welcoming newly recruited international faculty. Several of them have kindly provided a short summary about themselves. Everyone can be found on the HSE website should you need to learn more about your colleagues and are interested in discussing potential collaboration.

Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development at HSE

HSE’s Faculty of Law is a partner of the Fulbright Scholar Programme and each year has the opportunity to host a Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development. David Wirth, a Professor who teaches and supervises research at Boston College Law School, arrived at HSE in this capacity in September 2016. He has shared his research, teaching and collaboration plans for the upcoming academic year at HSE with The HSE Look bulletin.

Fresh Issue of the HSE Look

In its 29th issue The HSE Look presents the Faculty of Law through an interview with its Dean, Prof. Evgeny Salygin, as well as introduces new tenure-track international faculty. As usual, the issue provides short announcements about Visiting Scholars, and an interview with one of them – a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Sustainable Development, Prof. David Wirth.

Bridging Global Standards and Local Features - The HSE Look (October)

In its 29 th  issue The HSE Look presents the Faculty of Law through an interview with its Dean, Prof. Evgeny Salygin, as well as introduces new tenure-track international faculty. As usual, the issue provides short announcements about Visiting Scholars, and an interview with one of them – a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Sustainable Development, Prof. David Wirth.

HSE Open Talks at HSE Day

Each year HSE welcomes new colleagues – Ph.D. holders from the world’s best universities – who join the university through the international recruiting programme. HSE continues the tradition of public lectures at HSE Day, and holds HSE Open Talks in English. Academics from all over the world representing the most diverse disciplines will discuss their research and talk with the public.

HSE Professor Elected Vice President of the International Game Theory Society

At the end of July it became officially known that the academic supervisor of the HSE International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making, Professor Hervé Moulin, was elected as Vice President of the International Game Theory Society (GTS). The main purpose of the organization is to promote and support research, teaching and applications of game theory.

Thadeu Gasparetto on Football, Research and HSE Students

Thadeu Gasparetto, a graduate of the University of Vigo (Spain) who studies sports economics, recently joined the HSE  International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy.  During a recent visit to Perm, he spoke about his research plans and shared his impressions of HSE students and staff members.

Thadeu Gasparetto on Football, Research and HSE Students

Thadeu Gasparetto on Football, Research and HSE Students
Thadeu Gasparetto, a graduate of the University of Vigo (Spain) who studies sports economics, recently joined the HSE  International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy.  During a recent visit to Perm, he spoke about his research plans and shared his impressions of HSE students and staff members.

British Humour and Global Politics

Beginning with the 2016-2017 academic year, the undergraduate programme in Political Science at HSE St Petersburg is changing its focus by not only updating the content of the curriculum but also changing the name to Political Science and World Politics, which reflects these substantial changes, but also becoming a truly international in the sense of its teaching staff. Dr Ian Ferguson, a Scottish expert on international relations, will be joining the team of political scientists at HSE St. Petersburg.