
The HSE Look July Issue

The HSE Look July Issue
The third issue of 2021 presents interviews about HSE University's new Master's standard.

The HSE Look April Issue

The HSE Look April Issue
The second issue of 2021 presents interviews about knowledge production and exchange from various angles.

The HSE Look March Issue

The HSE Look March Issue
The first issue of 2021 presents interviews with former and current participants of HSE international postdoc programme, and introduces new postdocs.

The HSE Look December Issue

The HSE Look December Issue
The fifth issue of 2020 presents an interview on the international postdoc programme and introduces new postdocs.

The HSE Look October Issue

The HSE Look October Issue
The fourth issue of 2020 presents three interviews on the digital university concept and introduces new tenure faculty.

The HSE Look July Issue

The HSE Look July Issue
The third issue of 2020 presents three interviews on tenure track stories and our commentary on a new format of the April conference.

The Earliest Cat on the Northern Silk Road

Cat in the modern village next to Dzhankent
HSE researchers Irina Arzhantseva and Heinrich Haerke from the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology (Faculty of Humanities) have been involved in the discovery of the earliest domestic cat yet found in northern Eurasia. The presence of Dzhanik (as the archaeologists have begun to call the tomcat) implies that there was a reasonably large settlement with a sedentary population even 200 years before it was surrounded by big walls and was called a town.

The HSE Look April issue

The HSE Look April issue
The second issue of 2020 presents two interviews on history and innovation and our advice on working remotely.

The HSE Look January issue

The HSE Look January issue
Begin the new year with the second part of interview about HSE's strategy, learn about our postdocs' research, and get inspired to explore Moscow in winter!

Discovering Winter Moscow

Discovering Winter Moscow
The HSE Look presents a column by Blair Dunbar, Editor at HSE Expert Translation Centre