
Development Strategies for Research and Teaching

In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.

Golden HSE Awards Short-listed Nominees Announced

Golden HSE Awards Short-listed Nominees Announced
The candidates for this year's Golden HSE Awards have been selected. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on December 20 but the list of short-listed nominees has already been published on the awards website.
This year the award will be given in 10 categories.

Development Strategies for Research and Teaching

In its 30th issue The HSE Look is focusing on the latest developments in research and teaching strategies at HSE. It provides a brief overview of Strategic Academic Unites and introduces the new post-doc researchers and their topics of interest. Concerning the teaching process, The HSE Look presents a new funding opportunity for inviting colleagues to share the best teaching practices, as well as teaching advice from international faculty members who’ve been at HSE for several years.

Examining Educational and Career Choices & Trajectories through the Lens of Culture and Sociology

How are students and graduates adjusting and adapting to the realities in their educational and career trajectories? What role does culture play in the sociology of education? How are attitudes towards higher education changing? These are just some of the many questions being addressed over the course a two-day conference entitled ‘Cultural Sociology and Education: Meanings, Choices and Trajectories’ that is being held on December 1-2 at the HSE Institute of Education in Moscow. HSE News Service has spoken to two conference participants, James Hurlbert of Yale University and Amy Binder from University of California, San Diego.

Golden HSE: How to Nominate Candidates

Golden HSE: How to Nominate Candidates
The large number of Golden HSE nominations presents an opportunity for HSE staff and student associations to participate in the nomination process. Most importantly, you must do this before December 7. Some information on the nomination process is provided below.

How to Nominate a Candidate for the Golden HSE Award

Nominations for the Golden HSE Award have started. The award has changed a lot since last year. There are some new nominations, and the nomination procedure is bit different. To make it easier for you, we’ve prepared a manual.

Golden HSE 2016: Something New is Coming!

Nominations of candidates for the Golden HSE Awards open on November 21, 2016. This year, the contest has undergone major changes. There are now more nominations, they are a little different, and there’s even a new prize!

Green HSE Holds Dead Electronics Days Again

Green HSE is inviting everyone to join in in a recycling drive. If you don't know how to dispose of your used Samsung Galaxy Note7 or other devices, this is your chance. Dead Electronics Days are held November 16-18.

Symposium Highlights Issues of Childhood and Adolescence

On November 15-16, an international symposium dedicated to childhood and adolescence will take place in Moscow in honour of the 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky’s birth. Building on the traditions established by the renowned Soviet psychologist, who made a number of contributions to psychology, pedagogy and defectology, the symposium will seek to promote analysis and discussion of the notions of childhood and reflection on how concepts of cultural-historical theory are used in contemporary studies of childhood and maturation.

Online Orders Now Available at HSE Printing House

Online Orders Now Available at HSE Printing House
Online orders for a wide range of printed products, from business cards to large-scale blueprints, photo books or calendars, are now available on the HSE Printing House website (currently in Russian). You can order and pay online, and collect your order at any one of nine offices located in various HSE buildings. These printing services are available not only to HSE students and staff, but to anyone.