
HSE Lecturers Invited to Register Courses as Electives

HSE lecturers and research fellows who plan to teach open optional courses and/or elective (MAGOLEGO) courses during the 2016/2017 academic year can submit applications until February 15.

New Voices: Research Projects and Ideas

In 2015 HSE laboratories and centres chose 24 scholars as post-doctoral fellows in the fields of philosophy, history, data analysis, finance, and cognitive studies. University bulletin HSE Look introduces these researchers as well as the teams with which they are now working.

Research Seminars at IDlab

Felix Iturriaga, Leading Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of the Intangible-driven Economy, Professor at the University of Valladolid, Spain, is currently visiting HSE Perm.

Research Seminars at IDlab

Felix Iturriaga, Leading Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of the Intangible-driven Economy, Professor at the University of Valladolid, Spain, is currently visiting HSE Perm.

Young Scholar Explores the Effect of Weak Institutions on Support for Social Policy

On January 26, Israel Marques, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the HSE International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development, delivered a lecture at HSE St. Petersburg entitled ‘Institutional Qualities and Individual Preferences in Social Policy’. Following the lecture, he agreed to speak with the HSE news service about his research interests, his time at HSE and his experience living and working in Russia.

World War II in China — Seriously Understudied History

On 22 January, 2016 Judd Kinzley, Assistant Professor at the Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA gave a presentation, ‘Wartime Atrocities and the Historical Legacies of World War II in China’at the academic seminar of the HSE International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.

Imperial Transformations — Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet History

In December 2015, leading international academic Ronald Suny chaired a seminar at HSE St Petersburg on Imperial Transformations – Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet History, which was part of the international research project Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism.

Honorary Lecture by Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff at HSE ICEF

On January 15, Professor Larry Kotlikoff gave a talk on measuring inequality in lifetime spending power within different age cohorts in the USA, net tax rates facing Americans, and current wealth indicators.

‘I Like Working in the University’

‘I Like Working in the University’
Tadamasa Sawada is a specialist in the psychology of visual perception at HSE. He has recently talked to the online magazine The Village about everyday Moscow, cultural differences, and doing research in Russia.

New Voices: Research Projects and Ideas

The HSE Look tells about  post-doctoral fellows who joined HSE in 2015 and the centers, laboratories and schools which recruited them: philosophy, history, data analysis, finance, and cognitive studies.