One of the founders of formal semantics, Professor Barbara Partee of the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently celebrated an anniversary at the Higher School of Economics. For approximately 20 years, she has been teaching at various universities in Russia. This year, she took part in the Summer School on Pronouns: Syntax, Semantics, Processing, which was organized by the School of Linguistics at HSE. Professor Partee recently spoke with the HSE news service about why she considers the linguistics programme at HSE to be one of the best in Russia, as well as about the differences she sees between Russian and American students.
The Higher School of Economics has joined Eduroam (education roaming), a global secure internet access service for the international academic community. Thanks to Eduroam, researchers and students from all over the world can receive WiFi access at any participating institution from their laptop, tablet or smartphone.
This semester Olga Matyash, Adjunct Professor at Ivy Tech State College (Indiana, USA), has been a visiting scholar at HSE, teaching courses on interpersonal communication and public speaking at the HSESchool of Integrated Communications (Faculty of Communications, Media and Design). Professor Matyash agreed to speak with the HSE news service to share the secrets of successful public speaking and shed light on the role of communication studies in our life.
Jesse Campbell, Assistant Professor at the School of Public Administration, speaks about his research interests: from philosophy to public administration.
The 4th Annual Conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) ‘Institutions, Elites and Collective Action in the Developing World’ took place at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on June 30- July 1, 2015. It was preceded by an EACES-HSE Workshop ‘Political Economy of Development: New Challenges and Perspectives’ on June 29, 2015. Several international researchers have spoken to HSE News Service about the conference and their research projects.
Green HSE, a student environmental club, is taking part in the upcoming Moscow Flower Show, an international festival of gardens and flowers. As part of the HSE project ‘A University Open to the City’, students will give a presentation on mini parks, the goal of which is to revitalize one of Moscow’s abandoned mini parks or courtyards.
Panos Pardalos, Scientific Advisor of the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis (LATNA), and Valery Kalyagin, Head of the LATNA, talk about research projects of the laboratory.
On June 26, the HSE Academic Council okayed the opening of two new international laboratories. Specifically, the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management will gain a laboratory for the study of healthcare economics, management, and policy, as well as a laboratory for game theory and decision-making. The labs' academic supervisors will be renowned international scholars.
On 29th June — 1st July the International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) at HSE Moscow will hold its fourth annual conference. The theme this year is Institutions, Elites and Collective Action in the Developing World.Michael Rochlitz, Assistant Professor at the School of Political Science at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences is among the impressive line-up of international specialists in the field who will be speaking at the conference. The HSE English News Service asked him about the focus of the 2015 conference, what new things it has in store and why he thinks it is definitely something to get excited about.
The Editorial Team wishes you a good summer time and presents the June issue –read to learn more about research at HSE in network analysis, study of institutions and public administration.