
Victory Day Exhibitions

On May 9th, 2015, Russia celebrates the 70 th  anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War – this is how the part of the World War II that took place on Russian territory is called in Russia. Several Moscow museums have prepared special exhibitions dedicated to the war, in which the Soviet Union lost over 26 million people, and the victory over Nazism in Europe.

Measuring Well-Being and Happiness

On April 30, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research sponsored a seminar in St. Petersburg by Associate Researcher Francesco Sarracino on ‘Do people care for a sustainable future? Evidence from happiness data’. Sarracino is an economist at Luxembourg’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and specializes in social capital, economic growth and well-being; he recently spoke at length with the HSE news service about his research interests, implications of measuring happiness and wellbeing for policymakers, and his experience collaborating with the Higher School of Economics.

How Can Science Be Governed and Evaluated?

How Can Science Be Governed and Evaluated?
Giorgio Sirilli, former chairman of the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), is offering lectures to students in the Master’s programme inGovernance of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).

Impressions from the XVI April Conference: International Participants

The HSE Look talked to several researchers from the HSE international labs about their impressions from the April Conference.

Do All Crumbling Empires Behave the Same?

Do All Crumbling Empires Behave the Same?
In his honorary lecture  Twilight of an Empire , at the HSE April International Conference, Professor Guillermo Owen, Distinguished Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, considers the case of the late Roman Empire - a once-powerful incumbent state which is beginning to lose its power - and compares it with examples nearer our own time. Professor Owen is associate editor of the International Game Theory Review. In an interview with the HSE English News service Professor Owen made comparisons in a game theory approach to the behaviour of the late Roman Empire and the Soviet Empire of the 1980s and 1990s.

April Issue of the HSE LooK

In April The HSE Look is devoted to  presentation of academic achievements. The editors cover the XVI April Conference  – presentations of plenary speakers and impressions of international participants. Keyong Hun Lee, Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF), shares his research projects and experience of working with students at HSE. 

Intellectual Capital: Measurement and Management

During the XVI April International Academic Conference HSE held a joint session on Intellectual Capital of Companies together with the European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (Brussels). During this session, Professor Zambon of the University of Ferrara gave a keynote lecture and participated in round-table discussions on various problems associated with intellectual capital and intangible assets.

Discovering Moscow - helpful hints

If you are interested in discovering Moscow, we suggest several web-resources

HSE Research in the Media and Professional Press: Bringing to the Fore

The Office of Public Relations and Online Media has launched a monitoring of publications about the research results of HSE’s faculty members

Funding Opportunities Alerts

The HSE Look reminds about opportunities to find research funding offered by HSE Office for Research Evaluation