
'We Get a Lot of Freedom and Flexibility in Terms of What We Want to Teach'

Geoffrey Decrouez is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE. He told The HSE Look about his research and teaching at HSE.

'I Gulped down Ginzburg’s Article with Greedy, Insatiable Pleasure'

'I Gulped down Ginzburg’s Article with Greedy, Insatiable Pleasure'
On 1st to 3rd June, the remarkable Italian historian and one of the founders of microhistory, Carlo Ginzburg will give a series of open lectures at the HSE. Professor Ginzburg has been invited to Moscow by the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities (IGITI). His translator, Professor at the School of Philosophy, Sergey Kozlov spoke to the HSE News Service about how he was inspired to translate Ginzburg’s work into Russian which led to them becoming firm friends.  

Let’s Monitor Together: HSE in the Foreign Press, Blogs and Social Media

HSE is starting a survey of articles and comments made by staff in the foreign press, in blogs and social media. The Office of Public Relations and Online Media will gather the data.

May Issue of the HSE Look

The 22nd issue of The HSE Look is ready for reading and downloading! This issue is devoted to the Faculty of Computer Science. It also introduces Geoffrey Decrouez, Assistant Professor at the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, and shares the information about the upcoming short-term visits of international scholars to HSE in June. 

Faculty of Computer Science: an Impressive Start

The Faculty of Computer Science is only one year old – it was founded March 28, 2014 – but it already has a rich history and ambitious plans. Ivan Arzhantsev, the dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, spoke to The HSE Look about highlights from the past year, current research focuses, and the faculty’s plans for the future.

Visiting Scholars

The HSE Look is happy to promote the upcoming short-term visits to HSE by international scholars,which were supported by institutional funding based on the hosting departments’ applications. The following visits are scheduled for June. For details please, contact

"We Get a Lot of Freedom and Flexibility in Terms of What We Want to Teach"

Geoffrey Decrouez is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE. He told The HSE Look about his research and teaching at HSE. 

Starting a New International Journal on Russian Politics

A new academic journal,  Russian Politics , has just been launched by Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, USA). Three members of the editorial board are representatives of the Higher School of Economics — Professor Andrei Melville, Dean ofFaculty of Social Sciences, Professor Nikolay Petrov and Professor Rostislav Turovsky. The first issue will be published in early 2016 and there will be four issues per year.

International Law to Be Discussed at HSE

On the 27th May 2015 Professor Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum, of the University of Tubingen will lead a discussion at the HSE Faculty of Law on Current Problems in International Law.  The discussion coincides with the launch of a second Russian edition of his authoritative textbook which describes the branches, institutions and fundamental concepts of international law and its development. The discussion is open to all and will be in English at 10.30 am in room 315, 17 Malaya Ordynka Street.Professor Graf Vizthum has talked to the HSE English News service ahead of the discussion about why international law is not at all dull and of the important role it plays in today’s globalised world.

Understanding Politics behind the Scenes from the Public Appearances of Elites

On Tuesday, May 26, Franziska Keller, Ph.D. candidate at New York University and visiting researcher of the HSE International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development, presented a report called ‘Shaking hands in public. What elite co-appearances tell us about the politics behind the scenes’. This seminar marks the 9th joint Research Seminar on Diversity and Development hosted by the International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development and NES Centre for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions.Keller, who is currently studying for a Ph.D. in the Department of Politics at New York University, recently spoke with the HSE news service about her study of Chinese elite behaviour and her plans to expand her research to include the Soviet and modern Russian political elite.