
How Will You Spend Spring and Summer?

How Will You Spend Spring and Summer?
HSE’s Extreme Sports student club offers students, teachers and employees at HSE, and their friends, the opportunity to take part in a series of spring and summer trips. Trips on offer include: hiking through Crimea and Abkhazia, climbing Europe’s tallest mountain – Mt. Elbrus, an expedition to the Sayan Mountains and a surf camp in Portugal.

'The Conference Is a Great Place for Meeting People and Exchanging Ideas'

As HSE’s XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Developmentdraws to a close on April 10, international participants comment on their experience and share their impressions.

‘During a Crisis or Economic Downturn, Marketing Becomes More Important’

Professor Wesley J. Johnston from Georgia State University, College of Business is a keynote speaker at the April Conference seminar Contemporary Management Research in Emerging Markets. He is a Member of the HSE Council and has been collaborating on projects since 2011 with Olga Tretyak, Academic Supervisor at the Faculty of Management Research and Study Group for Russian Marketing Studies 'Modern Marketing Practices'. During a break at the conference Professor Johnston talked to HSE English News service about the benefits for PhD students of participating in conferences, about the functions of marketing and marketing in Russia and about his fruitful cooperation with HSE. 

Educational Equality is Key to Eliminating Corruption

Educational Equality is Key to Eliminating Corruption
On April 8, Eric Uslaner, Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland - College Park, presented a keynote lecture called ‘The Historical Roots of Corruption’ on the second day of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE. Professor Uslaner is a widely recognized expert in political science, with specific interests in political economy, political behaviour, equality, trust and corruption. Among his more recent books is  Corruption, Inequality, and the Rule of Law: The Bulging Pocket Makes the Easy Life  published by Cambridge University Press in 2008.

'It’s a Great Opportunity to Present Work and to Get Feedback'

The second day of the XVI April International Academic Conference was devoted to sections on various topical economic, political and sociological issues. Questions related to international trade, economic growth, poverty and prosperity, urban economics, social capital and mobility, political regimes were discussed.  The international participants of the conference have shared their impressions with HSE News Service.

Professor William Thompson Reflects on HSE April Conference

At the April International Academic conference William R. Thompson, Rogers Professor of Political Science at Indiana University, Bloomington and Managing Editor of International Studies Quarterly, gave an honorary lecture on 'Norms, Behavioral Compliance, and Status Attribution in International Politics'. He also participated in the session on State Capacity and Durability/Vulnerability of Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes with a paper entitled State Capacity, Democratization and Public Policy, co-authored with Thomas J. Volgy.

Why Do Economies Stop Growing?

Professor Kyoji Fukao of the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo will give an honorary lecture on 'The Structural Causes of Japan's Lost Decades' at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He talked to HSE English News Website in the run up to the conference.

On the Past and Present

Nathan Marcus, Associate Professor in the Department of History at the St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities, is currently teaching an undergraduate course in economic and financial history, and will offer a graduate-level course next year as part of the Applied and Interdisciplinary History master’s programme. The programme is almost ready to open, and will accept its first students in 2015.

Are All Things Equally Expressible in Language?

On 31st March - 1st April 2015, HSE School of Linguistics is holding a series of lectures in English on research into the role of language as the interface between the mind and society. In 'New Perspectives in Semantic Typology' Asifa Majid, Professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen will give four lectures - a general introduction to semantic typology, the language of perception, the body, and event semantics.

Mathematics and the Arts: What does Geometry and Calculus have to do with Salvador Dali and War and Peace?

On Tuesday 31st March 2015, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Professor of Mathematical Logics at the University of Turin, will give a public lecture at HSE titled ‘Mathematics and the Arts’. The lecture is held in cooperation with Istituto Italiano di Cultura, and will examine the deep and close relationships between the objects of Mathematics and of the Arts.Professor Odifreddi, who is also a well-known journalist will talk about ‘a mathematical reading of the arts’, and will present a short history of the visual arts from a mathematical perspective. He talked to the HSE English News service about the surprising connections his unusual approach reveals.