
'You Should Not Pretend, But Be a Good Specialist'

Anatolie Cecalenco
Anatolie Cecalenco was born in the Republic of Moldova and entered the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science' at HSE University. Then, he continued his education on the Master's programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' at HSE University-St Petersburg. Currently, Anatolie is a PhD student and a lecturer at the campus. He also works as an ESG specialist for the company Business Solutions and Technology (which formerly operated in Russia as Deloitte). We talked to the PhD student about his studies and work.

‘In the Last 20 Years, Computer Modelling Has Become an Important Part of Cognitive Science’

Ivan Ivanchei
As part of its Digital Professors programme, HSE University invites international lecturers to work with students remotely. One of the participants of the programme is Dr Ivan Ivanchei, Research Assistant of the Department of Experimental Psychology at Ghent University (Belgium). He conducted an elective course at HSE University entitled ‘Introduction to Computer Modeling of Cognitive Processes.’

‘I Take Every Critical Comment Seriously and Try to Address It in My Future Teaching’

Martin Beisswenger
Every year, HSE University students and recent graduates vote for their Best Teachers. Among the winners of this year’s vote was Martin Beisswenger, Assistant Professor at the School of History at the HSE University Faculty of Humanities. In the latest in our series of interviews with this year’s Best Teachers, we spoke to Martin about the significance of winning the competition, building a balanced curriculum, and how to respond to criticism.

Pursuing a PhD in Russia: ‘Attractive and Exotic’

Pursuing a PhD in Russia: ‘Attractive and Exotic’
After getting his Master’s degree in Computer Science in Rome, Julio Carrasquel decided not to pursue a corporate career in IT, but to move to Moscow to get a PhD at HSE University. As a result, he received a scholarship on the Advanced Doctoral Programme, successfully defended his thesis, and was named one of the university’s Best Teachers. Julio talked with the HSE News Service about his path in academia and life in Russia.

‘This Achievement Certainly Motivates Me’

‘This Achievement Certainly Motivates Me’
The results of the 2022 student vote for Best Teachers of HSE University have been announced. This year, there are more winners among international faculty than ever before. The HSE News Service talked to 2022 winners Cemal Eren Arbatli and Arnab Roy Chowdhury about their attitude to students’ assessment of teachers, their experience of positive and negative feedback, and the challenges of teaching online.

‘Students Have Broadened Their Horizons and Made the First Steps in Financial Mathematics’

‘Students Have Broadened Their Horizons and Made the First Steps in Financial Mathematics’
Cedric Bernardin from Université Côte d’Azur collaborated with HSE University as a Digital Professor in the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. He taught a course on MDP theory with finance applications at the Faculty of Mathematics. Prof. Bernardin shared his impressions of this experience with the HSE News Service.

‘I Can’t Think of a Better Time for Young Researchers to Work in Foresight’

‘I Can’t Think of a Better Time for Young Researchers to Work in Foresight’
Foresight and STI Policy are among the symposium topics of the XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference. How has foresight developed in Canada? How did academic life change during the pandemic? What can early-career foresight researchers expect? The HSE News Service discussed these questions with Jonathan Calof, one of the symposium’s speakers.

From Mexico to Russia: A Journey in Flavours

The HSE Look is restarting its column about life in Russia, what can be discovered in its various cities, and the interesting venues at HSE University and beyond. Dr. Harold A. Moreno-Franco, Associate Professor at the HSE Department of Statistics and Data Analysis, talks about his impressions of Mexican and Russian cuisine, as well as the local eating habits.

Sustainability, Quality Innovation Culture, and Transition Economies Research at HSE University

Sustainability, Quality Innovation Culture, and Transition Economies Research at HSE University
Professor Dirk Meissner is Distinguished Professor, the Head of HSE ISSEK’s Laboratory for Economics of Innovation and the Academic Supervisor of the Master’s Programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation. In this interview, he talks about the laboratory’s staff, upcoming research and conferences, and how the culture at ISSEK inspires creativity.

HSE ISSEK’s Newly Accredited Master’s in Management: ‘It’s Challenging, but It Pays Off in the End’

HSE ISSEK’s Newly Accredited Master’s in Management: ‘It’s Challenging, but It Pays Off in the End’
In December 2021, the HSE ISSEK English-language Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation became one of three HSE University management programmes to receive European accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development. We spoke to Dirk Meissner, the academic supervisor of the programme, about the significance of European accreditation, the programme’s unique opportunities for students, and student engagement in research.