Several of this year’s tenure-track faculty members have stayed at HSE previously as postdoctoral fellows. The HSE Looktalked to Arnab Roy Chowdhury, Assistant Professor at School of Sociology, about his experience and on how best to get immersed into the HSE academic community.

Originally from Greece, Pános Kompatsiáris was attracted to join the Higher School of Economics because of the university’s reputation for exceptional working conditions and fostering career development. Having spent the last ten years in a variety of cities, including Edinburgh and Berlin, Professor Kompatsiáris brings his background in economics, cultural studies and art theory to his current position as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design at HSE.
After completing a Master’s in International Public Law in 2007, Maria Sole Continiello, a native of Rome, Italy, spent several years working as an international lawyer before returning to academia. While pursusing a Ph.D. in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, her research focused on the inter-applicability of human rights law and international humanitarian law during military occupation. This work afforded her the opportunity to move around Europe, including to the Irish Center For Human Rights in Galway, Ireland, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Public Law in Heidelberg, Germany.
The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has entered the Top-100 in Sociology and Mathematics of the Shanghai Ranking. It is also now the leader on this ranking among Russian universities in Economics, Political Science and Management.