Tag "ideas & experience"

Delicious Lies

The column “Discovering HSE and Russia’ in the December issue of The HSE Look by Tadamasa Sawada explores the questions of authenticity and cultural exchange using the example of Japanese restaurants in Moscow, and invites the readers to reframe their experience.

Changing the Tracks

Several of this year’s tenure-track faculty members have stayed at HSE previously as postdoctoral fellows. The HSE Looktalked to Arnab Roy Chowdhury, Assistant Professor at School of Sociology, about his experience and on how best to get immersed into the HSE academic community.

The HSE Look No. 3 (38), July 2018 – Local Deeds, Global Thinking

Geography of HSE University provides ample opportunities to experience and learn about nearly half of the country, and without understanding each of the campuses with their unique features there is no way to fully understand the idea of HSE on the whole. Last year The HSE Look began a series of articles focusing in-depth on each campus, starting with HSE St. Petersburg (see October 2017 issue), university’s 2nd largest campus, and we would like to continue the series with devoting the summer issue to HSE Nizhniy Novgorod. While being unmistakably a part of HSE University, each campus reflects the unique features of its region, and the readers can learn more about it in an interview with campus Director Valery Zusman. In this issue we also talk more about education programmes at HSE Nizhniy Novgorod with Deputy Director Anna Blyakhman, get an inside look into the work of the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis with its head Valery Kalyagin, and travel to discover different Russias with Victor Albert, one of HSE’s international faculty members.

Nizhny Novgorod: Reaching Out Locally and Globally

As the second-oldest HSE campus after Moscow, HSE Nizhny Novgorod has over 2,700 students, over 300 faculty members, and offers 9 BA programmes and 11 MA programmes, as well as several double-degree tracks. In addition to its educational activities and research, the university also serves as a forum for the city’s cultural life and carries out several projects aimed at ensuring the public good. In 2014, Valery Zusman, Doctor of Sciences in Literature of Western Europe, America and Australia, and the then Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at HSE Nizhny Novgorod, became the director of the campus. Professor Zusman talked to The HSE Look about the challenges and successes of global outreach projects at HSE Nizhny Novgorod and its proactive approach.

A Strong Profile in IT and Humanities

The HSE Look talked to Anna Blyakhman, Deputy Director of HSE Nizhny Novgorod and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management, about the educational programmes offered at the campus and its international students.

Discovering Russia(s)

In addition to interviews with international faculty, The HSE Lookis launching a new feature – a column about their life in Russia, what they discover in different cities, and interesting venues at HSE and beyond. If you have an interesting experience to share, please contact us at ifaculty.support@hse.ru. In this issue, we present a column by Victor Attila Albert.

The HSE Look No. 2 (37), May 2018 – Getting Involved

In this issue of The HSE Lookwe would like to share several stories which might inspire to join the existing projects or start new ones. We present the interview with Prof. Fuad Aleskerov about the April conference and its role in informing the public debate and furthering research, as well as share impressions from international faculty. To showcase the variety of initiatives at HSE, we are glad to present the vibrant community of the German-language research conference Welt und Wissenschaftthrough an interview with Yulia Pasko. Traditionally, we also share the announcements of upcoming visits by invited scholars. Last but not least, we present the ‘Discovering HSE and Russia’ columns by Arnab Roy Chowdhury and Brian McLoone.

Impressions from the 19 th April Conference

After the conference is over it’s time to reflect on what this year has brought to plan for the participation in the next year’s event, and The HSE Look talked to several internationally recruited HSE faculty members about what they value most about participating in the April Conference and what topics and discussions they found most interesting this year.

Experiencing Moscow

In addition to interviews with international faculty, The HSE Lookis launching a new feature – a column about their life in Russia, what they discover in different cities, and interesting venues at HSE and beyond. If you have an interesting experience to share, please contact us at ifaculty.support@hse.ru. In this issue, we present a column by Arnab Roy Chowdhury.

Making the Best of Being a New Arrival in Moscow

In addition to interviews with international faculty, The HSE Lookis launching a new feature – a column about their life in Russia, what they discover in different cities, and interesting venues at HSE and beyond. If you have an interesting experience to share, please contact us at ifaculty.support@hse.ru. In this issue, we present a column by Brian McLoone.