Сommunity, and an actively engaged one at that, is a vital part of university life. From the large-scale events which are part of the institution’s brand to the grass-root initiatives, everything thrives on genuine and shared interest, and in this issue of The HSE Look the editors would like to share several stories which might inspire to join the existing projects or start new ones.
On Campus
In addition to interviews with international faculty, The HSE Lookis launching a new feature – a column about their life in Russia, what they discover in different cities, and interesting venues at HSE and beyond. If you have an interesting experience to share, please contact us at ifaculty.support@hse.ru. In this issue, we present a column by Brian McLoone.
In 2017, Sean Winkler joined the School of Philosophy as a research fellow. Originally from Chino Hills, California, he holds an undergraduate and Master’s degree in philosophy from Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, California), as well as a Master’s degree and PhD from KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), where his dissertation focused on the work of 17th century philosopher Baruch Spinoza. In his role as a postdoctoral research fellow for the School of Philosophy at HSE, Winkler specializes in the study of early modern philosophy. Besides early modern thought, his interests span from 20th-century French continental philosophy, to critical theory, to Daoism and to philosophy of science.
Mauro Mariani, a mathematician from Italy who is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics at HSE, studies probability theory and statistical mechanics. Prior to joining HSE in 2017, he held faculty positions in France and Italy after obtaining his PhD from the Sapienza University of Rome.
HSE News Service has asked some of our teachers at HSE for any advice they might have for international students in Moscow. Arkaja Chakraverty and Renira Rampazzo Gambarato agreed to share their secrets. Ms Chakraverty, from India, is Assistant Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance and moved to Moscow in 2017. Dr Bambarato, from Brazil, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Media, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design and has been working at HSE since 2013.

In the 34th issue of The HSE Look presents St. Petersburg campus in an interview with its Director Sergey Kadochnikov and with DAAD long-term Associate Professor at the School of History, Dietmar Wulff. As per tradition, The HSE Look gives brief introductions of the new tenure-track faculty which joined HSE this September. In this issue the editors are launching a new feature: a column ‘Discovering HSE and Russia’ written by international faculty for their colleagues so as to help them explore the rich cultural and geographical variety offered by Russian cities.
HSE has campuses in four cities, and HSE St. Petersburg opened five years after the main campus, in 1997. It has over 4200 students, over 300 faculty members and 100 researchers who focus on different frontline issues in economics, business, humanities, law and social sciences. In 2013 Sergey Kadochnikov, Doctor of Sciences in Economic Theory and former Director of Graduate School of Economics and Management at Ural Federal Univeristy, joined HSE St. Petersburg as its Director. Prof. Kadochnikov told The HSE Look about what HSE St. Petersburg has achieved, about its international and domestic partners as well as its development plans.
HSE Publishing House is now accepting applications from HSE staff for the publication of copyright books on a competitive basis.